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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

OC Council To Resume In-Person Meetings

OCEAN CITY — After three months of virtual meetings, the Mayor and Council will meet in person at City Hall next week in a work session with a hybrid format.

For nearly three months, the Mayor and Council have been holding regular public meetings and work sessions, along with a myriad of special sessions, in a virtual format via Zoom. With Maryland now in stage two of its COVID-19 recovery plan and more public and private entities reopening, the Mayor and Council will resume meeting in person, in public at City Hall for next Tuesday’s work session in a hybrid format to accommodate at least one member.

Last week, Councilman Tony DeLuca made a motion to return to open public meetings in council chambers at City Hall with many of the key COVID-19 numbers in Maryland declining and more and more restrictions being relaxed. However, after Councilman Dennis Dare expressed he remained uncomfortable returning to quickly to the open, in-person public meeting format, that measure was put on the back-burner to allow staff to come up with a hybrid format to allow Dare to continue to participate remotely.



  1. Ohhhhhh Joe make sure someone is there getting video of that shit show.

  2. Moving forward like nothing is happening. Need that face to face prior to the July 4th upcoming debacle.

    Empty Rooms.
    Lack of workers.
    Jammed Restaurants.
    Route 50 bridge probably get stuck AGAIN.
    Thugs on the way.
    Perfect Storm.
    Epic FAIL!

    Only safe location is a wonderful establishment in West OC on the east side of Route 50. Burgers, suds and friends!

  3. Normally video of City Fail meetings is on the OC gov't website.

    Key word Normally.

  4. 148 - HAHAHAHAHA. I'm sure you played that joke in the past!


  5. UH-OH Look out Buzzoro!,It's coming.

  6. Now they can accomplish nothing face to face.


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