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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Commissioners opt out of face mask requirement

Although the Worcester County Commissioners all wore masks during their in-person meeting two weeks ago, most did not on Tuesday.

The commissioners had ceased in-person meetings after March 17 to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus. They conducted meetings via Zoom until returning to in-person meetings on June 2.

Commissioner Joseph Mitrecic addressed this early on in the meeting, stating that since the commissioners were seated six feet apart, they did not need to wear masks, per guidance from the Worcester County Health Department and Weston Young, assistant chief administrative officer.

“The commissioners feel that due to the fact that there’s discussion going on up here that we feel more comfortable without. But due to the covid-19 pandemic, all occupants in the meeting room are required to wear a face covering,” Mitrecic said. “Disposable face coverings have been provided at the entrance to the meeting room and should be worn at all times.”



  1. Its NOT about how one feels...geez.

  2. At least they are exercising 'some' common sense...

  3. Do as I say not as I do? Every guidance I've seen is 6ft + wear a mask. No optional because it's more comfortable to not wear a mask, no sh*

  4. No one else wants to wear a mask either, but safety comes first. COVID IS IN SNOW HILL TOO. Suck it up buttercups!

    1. The flu was in Snow Hill last year too 2:35

  5. 226 - C'mon man!

    1. 2:26 is using some common sense too

  6. Do as I say not as I do

  7. Everyone may as well be wearing the masks on their a$$es for all the good they do. They are useless. Proof is for months no one wore one and people were packed in Walmart and grocery stores like sardines and the numbers flattened.
    2:27 FYI this "guidance" you speak of has been all over the board. First was masks don't work now they work. Bottom line they do NOT work. They MAY prevent someone from spreading it but even that is debatable and they will NOT prevent anyone from getting it.
    The only way a mask would work is if you wore it at home which I would expect all these mask lovers would be doing if they loved their family Remember it's to prevent the spread if you have it.

    1. You are 100% correct 3:29, mask do not work. A fart will pass through two pieces of clothing unless you are going commando. Just forwarding this information for a friend.

  8. Everyone will be exposed. Mask or no mask. I’m going to go with the original CDC mandate that masks don’t work.

    1. So you believe them after they changed their mind? Keep drinking that koolaid like snowflakes. Think for yourself and family.

  9. They made them a requirement for anyone in the county buildings except them. Nice.

  10. https://www.rcreader.com/commentary/masks-dont-work-covid-a-review-of-science-relevant-to-covide-19-social-policy

  11. There is no science that back up mask are effective. Only opinions and opinions are not science. There is science to back up that they aren't effective though.

    1. That's because the experts really don't have a clue. Instead of true mass panic, something is better than nothing. Thin the herd...slowly.

  12. There is absolutely zero science behind masks being effective in spreading or catching a disease. There is science behind them not working and a lot of it. The reason doctors nurses dentists dental hygienists etc wear them is to prevent bodily fluids from going into their mouths.
    Study after study going back years gives no indication they are effective at all against transmission. One recent paper (I won't call it a study because that's different) had people with Covid cough into a petri dish. Some with masks some without. There was no significant difference in the number of virus particles they expelled into the dish.
    The best thing anyone can do it break that hand to face connection we have.

  13. The reasoning behind masks is it if you have coronavirus it may prevent you from spreading it. The line is "Your cloth face covering may protect them. Their cloth face covering may protect you."

    here is what gets me. All these mask proponents go home and take off their masks. So what they are saying is that it's okay for them to spread it to their own family but not complete strangers. So unless you wear a mask 24/7 don't you dare ever be telling others to wear one Plus you are a putrid person for caring moe about strangers health and giving 2 rats about your own family's health.

  14. It is a shame that wearing a mask has become a political statement. It is about PUBIC HEALTH dummies, its not just about you . I want to smoke in restaurants , you have taken my right away. Come on people its just not that difficult. Do you not want our bushiness to reopen


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