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Saturday, June 27, 2020

Obama admin VA hospitals used term 'Kung Flu' in official online, marketing materials

EXCLUSIVE: Two federally-run Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals during the Obama administration used the term "Kung Flu" in official materials, along with imagery of a monkey in a karate suit and a ninja wearing a flu mask, Fox News has learned.

President Trump's use of the term “Kung Flu” to refer to the coronavirus has drawn accusations of racism and insensitivity, but the use of the term under the Obama administration has gone unreported.

In 2015, the Tennessee Valley Healthcare System's official website urged patients to "Become a Kung Flu Fighter! Get Your Flu Shot!" The website has been taken down, but a copy of it was retained by an Internet archiving website.

The text was accompanied by an image of a ninja wearing a mask in an airborne, flying-kick posture.

The VA further urged visitors to "Click here to print Kung Flu Fighter poster!"



  1. You people just don’t get it. Let me splain it to you please. The fake news reporters believe it was fine for the last failed administrator to use this term or any other term, because the failed guy was black or supposedly black. Nobody knows. Now, listen to this as the preacher man says. The fake news reporters believe it is NOT fine to use that term or any term by the current administrator because the now successful administrator is white, was born white and always will be white. You see what I mean? Oh one more thing as Columbo would say. The fake news reporters cared a lot for and about the previous guy, but the fake news reporters do NOT care for ANYTHING about the current guy and have displayed these feelings for approximately four great years. Go Trump! Trump/Pence 2020!

    1. We people do get it 9:05, you just stated what we already know. Thanks for wasting my value time left in life, very much appreciated.

  2. Trump 2020!!!! Nothing else will do!!

  3. Well, if Obama approved, it can't be hurtful.

  4. Who cares ? Obama is gone like Bush and Hillary debriefed and civilians now. They have comfortable lives and families. Do you really think they are communicating daily with each other and Bill Gates and Soros and sneaking and conniving for more power and the destruction of America. If so maybe that should be an added chapter in the Bible or some other fantasy story. They all came and went Trump will come and go and the same for whomever is next. Their not shape shifting aliens or super heroes they are people like you and I. Politics has really become a surreal phantasmagoric cultish passion play distracting everyone from any semblance of reality.

  5. It's all going to be OK. They are going to let Trump have the next four years because little is going to change from today and no one wants this legacy on the books. Biden will be too stroked out and both parties will dig up some other disaster to run. Trump will go back to his tacky hospitality empire and build his presidential library of Tweets. It's how things go and it will all be OK life goes on. I'd concentrate on perfecting your own.

  6. So I guess I can’t sing the old 70’s hit song “We were King Fu Fighting “?

  7. Kung Flu. It's accurate, it's catchy, it's now. Go for it.

  8. Who cares ? Obama is gone like Bush and Hillary debriefed and civilians now. They have comfortable lives and families. Do you really think they are communicating daily with each other and Bill Gates and Soros and sneaking and conniving for more power and the destruction of America.

    Well yes Clinton and Obama actually are, its called Community organizing. Its called pissed off that She did't get elected. Its called power and control. They are part of the Democratic party. Bush NO He has for the most part gotten away from politics. Soros funds a lot of the chaos that we are seeing. The 3 clowns are still in the car still wanting to destroy America.


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