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Friday, June 19, 2020

“Not a More Important Issue than This… Very Difficult for Republicans to Win if This Censorship Continues” – Devin Nunes Speaks Out on Tech Censorship of Conservatives (VIDEO)

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) joined Elizabeth McDonald on The Evening Edit on Wednesday night to discuss Tech Giant censoring of conservative voices.

Nunes has been speaking out against big tech censorship for years now.

In October of 2019 a federal judge agreed with him that Twitter can be held accountable for its mistreatment of the conservative lawmaker.



  1. Republicans have sat on their hands because of Russia Russia Russia and now 4 months out they realize how bad they have screwed up. Lock down disaster, police reform and attempting to take on the richest people in the world. Republicans are wimps and always have been

  2. First of all. This falls on the REPUBLICANS. The DEMOCRATS body slam Republicans since 08. How do the REPUBLICANS fight back?? They run and hide. They NEVER fight back. They always sit back like gentleman while their teeth are getting kicked in. EMBARRASSING. The REPUBLICANS gave Obama everything he wanted. Not once did they tell him no. Between Bonehead and Ryan the REPUBLICANS were non existent. Even today when we all see our liberties getting stepped on. The REPUBLICANS do nothing. Yeah we have a couple fighting. But how many are in Congress??

    1. Damn, I like you! I thought (seriously) that those words were stolen outta my brain! I wish MORE of us "Conservatives" would feel that way. Our biggest enemy isn't the left...Our biggest enemy is the establishment republicans, and they are MANY! I"m constantly ranting about that! We dont vote for dems, so we can't hold them responsible, but we NEED to hold our elected republicans accountable! Thanks for your input!

    2. Agreed. You two aren't the only ones.

  3. Devin, it has no bearing on winning. We on the train will show up for our president.

  4. If Republicans stop pussy footing around. They are ALL an EMBASSMENT. Bunch of pussies. Only worried about themselves. Little do they know. If dumocrats continue to beat Republicans?? They are worst off than the rest of us.

  5. The elite banking families control both US political parties. This is why nothing ever happens in Washington that benefits Americans. Ever.

    Mr Trump is not conservative. At all. In any way, shape, or form of imagination. He serves Israel. Chabad Lubavitcher.

    Barry did nothing for black Americans. He served Israel’s interest by stoking Radical Islam hatred in the US. He was the best groomed of all POTUS since his family was CIA. He also prepared the way forward for homosexual agenda and the destruction of Christianity.

    Dubya’ wasn’t conservative at all. He served Israel by invading several Muslim Countries as retaliation for the false flag Mossad operation on 911.

    1. I agree with your Jew comment. They have infected every faucet of SOCIETY. Banking. Education. Healthcare. Government. Judicial. Wall Street. I lived in Reston VA for a while. ASININE BAFFOON JEWS all over. With Muslim and every other misfit's of the world. They all work in the government.

    2. F#@K you 11:05! I could be standing next to you, supporting the US Constitution, as I always have, and still do, and you wouldn't know WHO I am, or WHAT I am! YOU, sound exactly like the punks from BLM & Antifa. They hate a RACE, and assume all are the same, due to race. Listen to your IGNORANT pathetic RACIST statement you idiot! Ya know...they say you can tell LOT about a parent, by looking at their children, and by the looks of your uneducated RACIST statement, your parents must be RACIST BOTTOM FEEDERS like yourself! So tell me PUNK what have YOU done for your town? What have YOU done for your state? What have YOU done for your country, that makes you SO much more superior? I

      a JEW, Honorably served my country, I...a JEW volunteer in my community, I...a JEW am "activly" involved in our county conservative groups, I...a JEW help our local VETS, I...a JEW go to our City & County meetings an partake in the community. This is called being part of the community. YOU stated that JEWS have "infected" the local education, banking, and healthcare...."HINT" they haven't infected anything you idiot...Its called BEING INVOLVED! It's what GOOD citezens do, but apparently YOU either have NO conception of what a GOOD citizen means, or maybe, just maybe YOU'RE just scared of stepping up! Its MUCH easier to just sit on your ignorant, opinionated, RACIST ass and insult others you know NOTHING about! Shut up...Yoy're dismissed!


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