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Friday, June 19, 2020

Donald Trump: ‘Wacko’ John Bolton a ‘Liar’ and a ‘Disgruntled Boring Fool’

President Donald Trump on Thursday criticized his former National Security Advisor John Bolton after information from his book criticizing the president leaked to the press.

“Wacko John Bolton’s ‘exceedingly tedious’ (New York Times) book is made up of lies & fake stories,” Trump wrote on Twitter, citing a story from theNew York Times about the contents of his book.

Trump said Bolton was “disgruntled,” after he was fired in September 2019.

“Said all good about me, in print, until the day I fired him,” Trump wrote. “A disgruntled boring fool who only wanted to go to war. Never had a clue, was ostracized and happily dumped. What a dope!”

Trump also reminded his followers on Twitter that former President George W. Bush fired Bolton.

Information from Bolton’s book In the Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir was published by the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday even though the Justice Department sued to stop it from hitting stores on June 23.

Other media outlets have obtained physical copies of the book.



  1. It’s all lies made up by a wacko lying fool. And my justice department is suing to stop publication because the book is full of classified information. Wait. What?

  2. I love it when my president tells it the way he sees it. And not pussy foot around.

  3. Come to think of it, he does seem really boring.

  4. Did you see Bolton’s Masonic grip with Trump? Shown prominently on MSM this week. Thumb on Trump’s knuckle.


  5. Hopefully the American people will do their job in November and the Southern District of New York and the NY Attorney General will do theirs in January. Let the indictments roll!

  6. Publishing his stupid book will keep us entertained for years.Imagine his having a new lawyer attacking him every day for as long as he lives.Bolton would be way better off if it wasn't published.

  7. " Anonymous said...
    It’s all lies made up by a wacko lying fool. And my justice department is suing to stop publication because the book is full of classified information. Wait. What?

    June 19, 2020 at 5:19 PM"

    No one said it was "all" lies. With that word you added not there it can also contain classified info. Think before commenting!

  8. bolton purposely added the classified into to create drama. I never like him. He is part of the swamp who is also a murdered. He doesn't care whose child gets killed just so his friends in the military industrial complex can make money The President made mistakes with his admin because he thought he needed some DC insiders. There isn't a DC insider worth a darn They are all lying losers.

  9. Explain to me how ti can be full of lies and classified information at the same time.

  10. So if it is factual and not fiction. Why would anyone want to hear what this Walrus has to say, tell, or have experienced/witnessed? He has always seemed to believe he is relevant and this proves he isn’t. He should have retired years ago, but like many wants to hang in thinking we need them while they steal us blind.

  11. Bolton is weird. Who wears a class ring ? I don't care if it is from Yale. You just don't see men wearing class rings like that.


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