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Friday, June 19, 2020

Pelosi to Hold Vote on Making Far Left Washington DC a State

As Tucker Carlson once said, every action by the Democrat Party is meant to give the party more power.

Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats will vote in Congress to make the District of Columbia a state.

This comes after a wave of looting and arson across the city.
Democrats want to reward the District of Columbia.

Of course, this would mean two new radical far left senators in the US Senate.



  1. Democrats win constantly. Republicans are hiding under beds

  2. All Dumbocrats do is waste time and taxpayers money! Bunch of idiots!!!

  3. Like “CHOP”? Brilliant!

  4. Then we should also make the Delmarva peninsula a state!

  5. If this is what the Democrats want to do then by all means let them do just that. However, let's go ahead and get the state of Jefferson going as well. If I'm not mistaken it's supposed to be the southern counties of Oregon and the northern counties of California where there is a bastion of conservatives. both sections feel that they are not being served by their respective capitals. I think that would be a great balancing act to be honest.

  6. DC was never intended to be a state. its a district that belongs to all Americans. Its UnConstitutional. Its clearly states in the Constitution that it can NOT become a state. DC falls under the authority of the Whitehouse on most things that are under Federal Jurisdiction. Pelosi has no Authority there. Even the Mayor is limited in her powers when it comes to anything Federal.

    1. If it belongs to all Americans and under Federal Jurisdiction. Why are we and the White House allowing the destruction to D.C..

    2. Unfortunately with the way things have been going lately, the Constitution seems to be moot. Free speech is a joke because it is only free now if it does not offend certain sides or is in agreement with one side over another. Free assembly also only applies if it serves the purpose of one side (Have you seen any All Lives Matter Protests Lately?)
      The balance of power (legislative was meant to hold more power as it was supposed to be more people working for the good of the many) has shifted to pretentious jacka**es that do nothing but serve their own interests. Why were term limits put in place for presidents and never for Congress.....because what congressional leaders would actually vote to limit their own powers??? Pelosi is the worst of all of them. She was elected by her jurisdiction to serve her people in her area NOT to tell the rest of the country how we should be running our lives. She seriously needs to shut the **** up and just continue to stuff her face with her gourmet ice cream that WE PAY FOR!!!!
      Hey, here's a thought....since Congress technically works for the people shouldn't we decide how much they get paid? Shouldn't we decide when they get raises and by how much??? Let them make the minimum wage of their state and get a bonus for positive performance and then you will see things turn around. And the bonus needs to be voted on by the people in an annual referendum!

      I know this is a rant but it is good to have a place like this to rant.

  7. But just out of curiosity, where are the Republicans. How come we are hearing nothing from them. I don't think I've seen either of them except Ted Cruz lately. What are they doing?

  8. Well said 809 finally facts come out. They just keep throwing whatever to the wall to see what sticks for their agenda, Conservatives on both sides better walk up come September and take our Country back from these wacko movements. Be aware though they share well funded and a lot of money/power is on the line.

  9. Well said 809 finally facts come out. They just keep throwing whatever to the wall to see what sticks for their agenda, Conservatives on both sides better walk up come September and take our Country back from these wacko movements. Be aware though they share well funded and a lot of money/power is on the line.

  10. 8:09 pm is correct. Pelosi has no right. Also Pelosi has no right to take down pictures in the Congress of Federate supporters. Those pictures belong to the American people - not Pelosi or Democrats.


  11. DOA when it hits the Turtle's desk. Just more grandstanding. Perhaps they could design a DC flag using the left over cloth from their shawl-in since it hails from the part of Africa where Africans sold other Africans into slavery.

  12. Pelosi just want two more dumbocrat senators to tip the balance.

  13. Just another photo opp. I hope she breaks her leg wearing those ridiculous high-heeled shoes Act your age grandma


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