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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

America's Most Entitled People (it's shocking, but it's human...)


  1. Be prepared....Their already sending out "teasers" on the news, commercials, ads, etc. They're just waiting a little longer, to get a bit closer to the "November" outbreak, so they cam ad one more roadblock to trash our president! It's a F%$king DISGRACE what the left and the media are knowingly, and more than willing to put this country through, just to return to power! It Discusts me, and everyone should do everything we can to stop this bullshit! As out USELESS, race baiting last president always said "We're better than this". Come on Conservatives, NOW is the time to ACT!!!

  2. So depressing that you are considered the enemy if you don't wear a mask.

  3. Funny how that works have 11:00 appears they have commercials, bills, laws sitting on shelves just waiting for the next crisis to come along. Can't fix any problems but sure can come up with some commercials propaganda and over authoritarian bills written decades ago to shove down our throats..well i never ever trust anything they say.. Anything the democrats try has an angle or agenda

  4. Borat here is confusing "entitled" with "@$$hole". It is the businesses right to set the policy on masks just like a bar can say no gang colors. Any right leaning person with common sense realizes this. These are @$$holes being used to make the rest of us look crazy. The entitled people are the ones who believe they should be allowed to open their own business, church or hold an event and that people have the right to show up or not.
    Conveniently he is missing the recent video of a little kid who was maced after her parents dragged her out to a riot during a "pandemic". Guess it's not entitlement if your doing it for a liberal cause.

  5. Blacks think they are the Most Entitled people !!! NOT

    They already have far more than the Whites & Others have in America !!!

    Affirmative Action (reverse discrimination) Govt in their Pocket !!!
    Forced Busing for Whites , so they have to Pay for Private schools
    Black-ish Show
    Black History month , while they erase White History
    NAACP while Whites have No NAAWP


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