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Friday, June 26, 2020



The Maryland State Police announce "https://mdsp.maryland.gov/Careers/Pages/Year-of-the-Woman.aspx" Year of the Woman: 2020 Youth Leadership and Law Enforcement Seminar , a free event held in August to enroll, train and develop future generations of young women about the benefits of a law enforcement career.

In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th amendment, Governor Larry Hogan has proclaimed 2020 as the Year of the Woman in Maryland. In support of his proclamation, and in celebration of an amendment committed to women’s rights, the Maryland State Police has decided to dedicate its first annual youth seminar to Maryland’s next generation of female leaders.

The two day, action packed, conference is free and will be held August 21, 2020, from 2:00 p.m. to Sunday, August 23, 2020 at 12 noon at the Maryland State Police Training Academy in Sykesville. High school and college students interested in starting a career in law enforcement are invited to learn about ‘Maryland’s Finest’ from female troopers who specialize in a wide range of expertise.

Attendees will learn about Maryland law, military drill and ceremony, fitness and wellness, defensive tactics and explore the many facets of a career in law enforcement. They will learn how to protect themselves and take part in a variety of training workshops geared toward a greater understanding of leadership, character development and life skills. Female troopers from the K-9 Unit, Aviation, and other specialized units will be on hand to share their experiences about life as a state trooper. Along with this exciting opportunity, food and lodging will be provided on the campus of the Maryland State Police Academy. Each barrack commander will select one applicant to represent their respective county, including Baltimore City.

To qualify for enrollment, applicants must submit either a two-minute self-taped video or a written essay to explain why they are interested in a career in law enforcement. The deadline for applications is midnight (EST) on July 15, 2020. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. For more application guidelines, please visit, "https://mdsp.maryland.gov/Careers/Pages/Year-of-the-Woman.aspx" 2020 Youth Leadership & Law Enforcement Seminar


  1. We keep getting safer and safer.....

    1. I’ve known a few female troopers that could cuff and stuff you, I bet. Go for it ladies, a nice career

  2. Seeking a certain race or gender to fulfill a position is discrimination to the other race and gender. This is starting out admitting "We discriminate". Thanks but no thanks.

    1. And you will probably vote for biden. Remind me about his qualifications for a running mate-black, female.

    2. Typical State job recruitment.
      If you're black, woman, or both?? You're in.

      White male?? No need apply.

  3. I've been a law enforcement officer in the state of MD since 1985 and worked for the MD State Police. I have some advice for anyone thinking of becoming a law enforcement officer. Do not do it. Make another career choice. It is absolutely not worth the sacrifices and abuse that you will have to endure.

  4. Why don't they hire Antifa ? Same thing bc they now down to the RINO GOV AT WILL.

  5. They need more women since Baldwin retired. Replace one woman with another

  6. Maryland's finest seriously? What a joke! They are a bunch of idiots! Remember how stupid they were just a couple of years ago jumping in front of moving cars! Then there are the scandals and the corruption in the department. The missing stuff from the property room. All they are is a bunch of criminals with badges!

  7. Should have old physical standards of 5'10" in height and 180 lbs.....Less people would be subjected to lethal force....

  8. Very safe and rewarding job. Loved by all.

  9. Northwest Woodsman: I totally agree with 10:54. Myself and two of my kids were police officers in a major city and during that period, officers received support from the communities in which they served. We had to deal with criminals and make arrests but without the degree of violence and lack of respect for the law that we see today. We are gradually slipping into anarchy perpetrated by Pedomarxist democrat pandering to the most vile elements in our society. Some of us don’t need police support and protection. We are armed, trained and ready to protect ourselves and our property. Law enforcement response to my area would be, at a minimum, thirty minutes away under the best of circumstances. When under attack, seconds count. Minutes can result in your demise. I take our security seriously and even have a shooting range on my property that I use regularly. I am not paranoid, just very cautious.

  10. Must be Good Looking > No Skanks !!! LOL

  11. the only requirement one needs to join the ranks for so called maryland's finest is a very low iq!

  12. How the Hell is MSP 'the finest'? When I graduated the police academy nobody gave me a cell phone so I could call the desk sarge to find out how to handle a complaint. That's what MSP wants now so no civilian gets their feathers ruffled. What a bunch of amateurs! They couldn't make it around the Capital Beltway which was my beat so they are assigned to harass the public with traffic tickets and investigate auto accidents. Also this duty helps fill state coffers with fine money. Join the real police, join Prince George County, better pay, benefits, and retirement.

    Prince George ret'd Sergeant (27 years)

    1. Hit the nail on the head buddy. Overrated and under worked.

    2. What class were you in? I suspect your a liar.

  13. Great job all you can steal and no penalty. Drug cash and free guns. Even some sex on the side for dropping tickets. I retired and loved my 25 years in the business.

  14. The whole force will be female in time , when all cops are made to become pussies . I got to laugh , it will take 3 females to perform a normal male cops productivity .

  15. No. We tryed that experiment. All they did was harrass the female officers. Years ago you would see plenty of women MSP. NOT NOW. They have no respect for woman. That's why so many have left.

    1. You could never and will never be a gun fighter..

  16. Well you know what they say??


  17. LGBT @ Salisbury UniversityJune 26, 2020 at 9:49 PM

    A large number of us who are Transgenders @ Salisbury University would like to know how to apply ?

    We lift weights, run track, play on the Football team....

    Jake Day recommends us on our superior performance

    In a World where Diversity is No.1

    where do we sign on the dotted line to join MSP ?

  18. If I were younger, much younger, I would.

  19. Do they get an easier test than men? Like blacks get an easier test than whites? You know they do,. This has gone on for many years. I know first hand, believe me.

  20. Md's Finest "TICKET WRITERS " !! That's ALL they do !!!

    City Police are the Real Police !!!

  21. 3:31 pm That's a FACT !!! Right On


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