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Friday, June 26, 2020

House Democrats pass police reform bill that will likely be blocked by Senate

House Democrats approved a police reform bill Thursday in response to the killing of George Floyd in Minnesota — but Republicans said the vote was a PR stunt that wasted an opportunity for consensus.

The Justice in Policing Act passed 236-181 over Republican warnings that the bill won’t pass the Senate or reach President Trump’s desk. Three Republicans and all Democrats voted in favor.

“Half measures are not enough. Pretend sham measures are not enough,” said Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.

The bill would restrict chokeholds and ban federal agents from conducting no-knock drug raids. It would curtail transfers of military equipment to police, create an officer misconduct registry, end qualified immunity from lawsuits and lower the threshold to federally prosecute officers if they show “reckless disregard” for someone’s life.



  1. Can't wait until the old guard (like me) is out of CONgress.

    Actually I definitely worry about it, but change and TERM LIMITS is needed badly.

    Regardless of bills being presented (HOUSE) then approved (SENATE) if there is no compromise, nothing will ever get down.

    The anger is so deep after years of in-fighting - the entire place needs to be turned over.

  2. They get rid of local police and replace with a federal gestapo type police force which is dangerous to a free society

  3. The House passes trash. When will they give up their Police security? When will they give up their immunity? When will they give up their sexual harassment fund?

    When that happens they might get cooperation and quit being bullies.

  4. Democrats were not willing to take the "crumbs" put on the table in the first bill sent in by Republicans.

  5. It should be blocked! Dumbocrats think they have the sole power....Senate will stop it or President Trump will!

  6. Check out the facebook post by Joe Gamble, the Sheriff of Talbot County, that was posted yesterday. The real problem is that voters keep voting for morons.

  7. Why? Why, why why are the House and Senate even wasting 1 Frigging minute on this bullshit? None of this should even be looked at by Congress. This is a STATE & LOCAL issue! Every MAYOR has the power, the ability, and the right to implement these regulations on their own!! IF they truly want it done (which obviously they dont) all they have to do is make the rules. Unfortunately ALL Mayors in these hardcore leftists cities have for YEARS just sat on their flat asses and put ALL the "tough" decisions into the hands of the Federal Government, and by doing so, they have clean hands, and can take NO responsibility for failure, yet they'll gladly take FULL credit for any success! In addition, by doing this, they create Massive Government over reach, by putting it in the hands of the Feds. Just more election year BS....

  8. Full of PORK no doubt !!!


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