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Friday, June 26, 2020

The Mainstream Media Will Not Tell the Truth About Black Lives Matter


  1. Amen. Sheriff Clake's message should be in a nationwide public service announcement and then maybe some people will learn the truth about BLM and take it to heart.

  2. Democrat Controlled news needs to be BANNED 2020 !!!!

  3. The ONLY thing worse than a news reporter is a lawyer.

  4. We all know that. Why do you think FB and Twitter are erasing any comments of conservative thought??

  5. Sheriff Clarke is a real American and you can trust what he says he will not mince words I wish we had someone like him here in Salisbury we would not be in the pickle we are in with the BLM attitudes here. I will say the majority of black people here in Salisbury are not caught up in all this they just want to be treated fairly just like anyone else. They are really good people and the children even here in the Presidents Neighborhood are great kids, they care about their schools, churches and everyone. When we had a cat that disappeared they were up to tmy door everyday telling me what they saw and where they searched and they always come to my house just to talk. It's the parents around here that are the problem they don't know where their children are or if they have even eaten that day. There are always exceptions but I pray for them all.


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