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Saturday, June 27, 2020

L.A. Sheriff To Quadruple Gun-Carry Permits

Only nine civilians had concealed carry permits in 2017

The Los Angeles County sheriff announced on Wednesday his office plans to increase the number of gun-carry permits issued to residents by 400 percent.

Sheriff Alex Villanueva (D.) said he would assign additional staff to process gun-carry permit applications in an effort to improve the sheriff department's operations. He said the new resources could quadruple approvals.

"I know another question some of you are going to ask about is the [gun-carry permit] policy," he said during a live stream. "We're increasing the approval rate on these and it's probably going to go up about 400 percent, roughly. So, if you think you have good cause please submit it, go through the process, and we've actually increased some of our staffing to accommodate that."

The number only sounds striking on paper. A 2017 audit by the California State Auditor found the county had only issued 197 permits and there were only 9 active permits belonging to applicants outside the law enforcement community, despite the county having a population of more than 10 million. Philadelphia County in Pennsylvania, which has a population of about 1.5 million and a "shall issue" gun-carry law, issued 9,239 permits in 2019.

The Los Angeles Sheriff's office did not respond to questions about why application processing is being sped up or how many gun-carry permits have been issued.

Brandon Combs, president of the California-based Firearms Policy Coalition, said he was not optimistic about the move, given the county's history.

"It's offensive that this corrupt, anti-gun rights sheriff thinks that’s adequate or a substantive improvement," he told the Free Beacon. "Los Angeles County should have tens to hundreds of thousands of licensees based on its population—400 percent of nearly nothing is still nearly nothing."



  1. Thank you sheriff.

  2. Pretty much only police and criminals have guns in LA County, with the criminals way, way out in front in quantity and variety. Police are mostly there to clean up and do the paperwork after criminals do their thing, and try hard not to confront them in live fire encounters.

  3. The 2nd amendment is my permit

  4. Mike you read this. I for 1 support the constitution why not help us citizens out befor it's to late.

  5. Concealed carry permits are state issued. Sheriff Lewis can't issue.

    1. County sheriff is the highest form of law enforcement in most states including California and Maryland. California happens to be doing it correctly. FYI I have my hands and feet if needed.

  6. I don't need a permit to carry, don't ask don't tell

  7. Quadruple? 4x? 4x9 is only 36...

  8. A permit?? You mean someone's PERMISSION???
    Can I also go to church, sir? And write a mean letter about the governor, too, sir??
    F them. Hard.

    I already HAVE "permission". Jefferson gave me and every American the RIGHT to ….wait for it, now.....BEAR ARMS.
    It didn't say possess them or store them somewhere. It said BEAR ARMS.
    Too many Americans have lived on their knees for so long, they are convinced that a stranger gets to open your whole life to inspection, take your fingerprints, PAY THEM some money, register this and that, and soon, I guess, they will want you to jump through a flaming hoop 5 feet off the ground.

    The police are NEVER around when bad things start happening. They come LATER to file some paperwork and shake their heads at just how violent criminals can be.

    You're dead. The citizen. The working, taxpaying citizen. The bad guy may never be caught. BUT they have "kept the peace" by making sure citizens are as absolutely as vulnerable as they can be. They are SO proud! Doing their secretarial duties and such.

    Carry. Literally, MILLIONS do. Jury Nullification, if used enough, will get their attention.
    The FACT that the police can kill an UNARMED person because they SCARED a cop, but YOU have to RUN (!??) when someone attacks you with a machete, or uses a .38 to rob you SHOULD really piss you off, but I know it's hard to see contradictions when you are on your knees (you have to rely on the other sheep for information and they are just as clueless as you are).


    Or, keep cheering.

    1. We get this, but if you get stopped and searched ... Jefferson isn't going to be there to bail you out of jail. It's a gamble.

    2. Keep cheering ? About want ?

  9. Northwest Woodsman: I’m curious about this move. There must be some political calculation here that we are missing. As I recall from the past, this sheriff is anti gun Regarding them being in the hands of law abiding citizens so his motives are questionable. As another contributor said, above, 400% increase of nothing is still nothing. What is he going to do, hand out 100 or so permits to his friends and some political elite because of the possibility of their being attacked by their former pets who are now rampaging through the streets?

    1. Gun are easier to confiscate if they know who has them

  10. This is good for them, we need it here in the good ole communist state of Md.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Mike you read this. I for 1 support the constitution why not help us citizens out befor it's to late.

    June 27, 2020 at 10:48 PM

    Larry Dodd screwed everybody over in Wicomico County on the resolution, time for some pay backs in 2022. Vote him out. I for one will not forget and you should not either. Now he has convinced Acle that it's not the right time, with all the chaos going on around us when is the right time Mrs. Acle and Larry Dodd? The right time will be in November, if we want Democrat thoughts and policy, we will elect them, at least we know straight up what we are getting. Do NOT vote for Nicole Acle for the 2ND District County Council unless she steps up and votes yes on that resolution before November!

  12. 10:51....EVERYBODY should "get this".

    USE your rights. Jury Nullification is a right they DO NOT want you to use or even know about.
    They actually try to KEEP IT SECRET.

    NO ONE on a jury is obligated to "follow the law", no matter what the judge's instructions and no matter what the prosecutor says you "must do", as in "find the defendant guilty".

    So, if you ARE pulled over and they find a gun (and you are NOT a criminal or threatening anyone (you just have the .45 in your console), let the police charge you.
    Take a jury trial.
    ONE person says "he wasn't doing anything wrong, except using his rights, Heinrich". You walk. As it should be.
    USE JURY NULLIFICATION. It's perfectly legal and there is NOTHING they can do about it. Read that again -- NOTHING they can do.
    SOMEONE has to put them in their place, which is SERVANTS of "we, the people". NOT masters of them. Sworn to uphold the Constitution. ROTFLMAO.
    Like I said. Get off your knees and quit living in fear of the gestapo.
    They are nothing but armed enforcers of the people who think they get to tell you which rights THEY will let you have....
    They have convinced you that you must clear things with them before you can exercise your Constitutional rights. Total BS.
    They are puffed up with their own self-important idea that they are RULERS and not SERVANTS.
    Keep cheering.
    I'm buying more ammo.

    1. You are right
      Lewis is Anti Gun
      He was forced to retire early from MSP....in part because of his Napoleon Complex

      and that Physically Disabled (tough guy) Tod Richardson,
      as well as Jake Day are in for a rude awakening..

      I've filed complaints about misuse of my Tax dollars in Wicomico County.

      I've recieved a response back too from Senators...

      My Complaint is being investigated...

  13. Dodd is going to be out once he goes to jail! Acle will remain as long as she gives a good BJ and wears provocative clothing. Just my thoughts....


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