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Saturday, June 27, 2020

In the Name of Tolerance, California Blacklists Idaho

In a bizarre show of authoritarianism—even for them—California state officialshave decided to ban state-funded travel to Idaho because of its transgender law.

In a press release, California’s attorney general, Xavier Becerra, said: “Where states legislate discrimination, California unambiguously speaks out. The state of Idaho has taken drastic steps to undermine the rights of the transgender community, preventing people from playing sports in school or having documentation that reflects their identity.”

In his comments Monday, Becerra was referring to legislation signed by Idaho Gov. Brad Little that banned biological males who say they identify as girls or women from participating in female sports at public schools, colleges, and universities.

House Bill 500, the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act, passed by a significant margin in Idaho’s House and Senate. It wasn’t even controversial among Idaho residents.



  1. There is no such thing as transgender. You are born either male or female. XX or XY, there is no other. This is a biological fact. All these so-called orientations are perverted mental states, nothing more.

  2. The stupidity of California politics wasn’t even controversial among Idaho residents, either. Now it's a sure thing.

  3. Given its 40% suicide rate, transgenderism is clearly a psychiatric disorder which requires mental treatment, not encouragement! It is a delusional denial of physical reality for a person to believe they are physiologically something other than what their DNA dictates. I feel sorry for trannies and think they need professional help, NOT glorification. Because their minds are simply not sound.

  4. Well, imma go out on a limb here, and guess that Idaho doesen't give a Rats Ass about California's travel ban! In fact, as a guy that travels a LOT in that neck of the woods, I'm pretty sure the good folks of Idaho would prefer it if California would just fall off the map!

  5. I’m sure Idaho couldn’t care less.

  6. Liberal Californians are moon bats so guess that makes them “special “.

  7. Idaho has already expressed its disdain for California liberals who want to relocate there. This latest move by what's left of the Golden State just drives the point deeper.

  8. The citizens of Idaho should consider themselves lucky. Now if the other red states could be so lucky!

  9. This is nut. No one can prevent someone from going where they wish.

  10. california needs a few more earthquakes

  11. I'm sure Idaho could care less. California like central America are nothing more than germ carrying people.

  12. Women have vaginas and men have penises it’s that simple!!

  13. Wow, only thing I knew about Idaho is they have a good . This is even better.

  14. Northwest Woodsman: I agree with these comments. However, like here, the rural communities are conservative but they are overwhelmed by the absolutely insane Pedomarxist democrat politicians in the major cities who have undivided support of millions of parasites who gladly and greedily accept handouts in exchange for keeping liberal scum like Pelosi and Waters in office. It is a beautiful state with incredible weather but no longer welcoming of people like me who, even with the constitution and second amendment in hand, would automatically become a felon.

  15. Where are all the feminists who fought for women's rights in every facet of society? They should be all over this topic, not shrinking from it.

  16. I feel bad for the female students who train hard in order to get an athletic scholarship for college. Then some fruitcake tranny with a penis and two (I assume two) testicles wins a race that the female would have won, thus causing her to lose a scholarship.

  17. That's a "big win" for Idaho! Fcalifornia

  18. Northwest Woodsman, Keep smoking the Ganja!!!

  19. Wait, California, transgenders CAN play high school sports!!

    They can play as long as they're on a team whose members all have the DNA that God gave them.

  20. Can we just Drop California from the U.S. MAP

  21. Sorry, Liberal California, for that thing called science. This decision is downright foolishness, but that's common for you these days.


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