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Saturday, June 27, 2020

Finally, An Obama Legacy Worth Celebrating

Hellfire R9X 'ninja' missile might be the Dem's most lasting

Another terrorist died in Syria this month on President Donald J. Trump's order. Khaled al-Aruri, a journeyman jihadist and de facto leader of a local al Qaeda affiliate, was killed in a U.S. special operations drone strike on June 14.

The terrorist was dispatched by a projectile that "combines medieval brutality with cutting-edge technology," according to a New York Times report. That's right, it was none other than the 2019Washington Free Beacon Man of the Year, the Hellfire R9X "ninja" missile.

The R9X, which is armed with six extendable sword-like blades in lieu of an exploding warhead, has been promoting freedom and American military supremacy throughout the world since 2017 by killing terrorists with ruthless precision. And while President Trump deserves ample credit for authorizing its use, it was President Barack Obama who oversaw the missile's development in an effort to reduce civilian casualties.

Thanks, Obama. Even anti-freedom Democrats deserve kudos for accidentally inventing an advanced instrument of warfare. This rare instance of an Obama legacy that cannot (and should not) be erased by President Trump deserves recognition and applause.

The R9X has been used in about a half-dozen instances since Trump took office, including the successful January 2019 evisceration of Jamal al-Badawi, the al Qaeda terrorist behind the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole. Here's how the Times described al-Aruri's (brief) introduction to the missile:



  1. Another Ron Popeil product, big brother to the Chop-o-Matic.

  2. In my day all we needed was a knife and fins.

  3. And we're continuing to assassinate and murder people in other countries because?

    1. 8:55, the same reason we should do it to terrorists in the US. People need to respect the law!

    2. Uhhhh, because they publicly say "We will kill America", and have made many attempts....just what rock have you been living under?

  4. Because it's us or them 8:55.

  5. Maybe that was not an accidentally invention

  6. 8:55 PM - For reasons you might not fathom.

  7. Wow.if you take a look at the few pictures that are online, that thing makes a very compact mess. Bet the bad guys are taking note!

  8. 855 hello he owned slaves and treated women of color Bad. He also didn’t like gay people. So of course he needed to be dealt with. Bigotry has no place in the world. Thank you. Vote Biden and black female.

  9. vote Biden if your'e a dumb ass. Joe Biden is responsible for the incarceration of thousands of black people through the 1994 crime bill, signed in under William Jeffeson Clinton. He not only voted for it, he helped write it. Joe Biden is one of the biggest racists that ever walked the halls of the US Senate. Do some fact finding for Corona's sake.

  10. Kil them All and Let God sort them out! Hooaaahhh!!!!


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