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Sunday, June 21, 2020

Juneteenth Proclamation, and Ceremonial Dedication of Black Lives Matter Boulevard


  1. Downright disgusting!

  2. There never has been such a thing as Juneteenth I have asked every black friend I have old and young. Never heard of it in school either and I'm 72 never on any calendar, still isn't but I guess it will be added now. Can we have Causcasian, Mexican, American Indian, and Oriental Day too?

    1. This is correct. I have never heard of it. Nor has any of my ethnic friends. It's has been created, recently. And look at how many kids/people are posting on social media how we have columbus day but not juneteenth day? These people actually believe it is a Holiday we have ignored. It has never existed yet look at how they have re-written history. And these people have bought it. Social media experiment with another win. I think we are to far gone. I don't think Trump will win this election and we are in some major trouble. It is very worrisome. These people want socialism. They are begging for it.

    2. Just because you dopes have never heard of something doesnt mean it doesnt exist. It just means you are ignorant. Ignorance is ok, its easily solved with facts. Your comment shows you are beyond ignorant and just plain stupid. Cant solve that one unfortunately.

    3. We’ve kept it to ourselves as a time to get with family. That’s why we don’t celebrate the emancipation date. Looks like the whites know now and will take that too.

  3. Singling out a single race (any race) is racist

  4. Pure hypocrisy. Everyone of these people promoting one race over another...they are the racist in our towns...they are the only racism that exist. You think you deserve special treatment and prises because of your skin color? Yeah you special alright. White Pride is racist but Black Pride isnt? Using any race as a self promotion is in fact RACIST. Disproportionate crime? Who decides what race should break laws more often? The black persons that decide to revel in criminal acts are what makes that race look bad, not the laws, not the cops, not the courts...teach your own to not act like animals and you wont be looked at like one. This Julia...she is offering trinkets, cheap prizes like signs n programs and trophies,,,because she cares about black people? No fool...she wants your support and vote. She is preying on the ignorance of us black folk to dangle stupid trinkets so she can better her career as the new mayor. She using you fools far more than the average white person ever would. Ya'll beggin for special treatment makes you special...short bus special. Wake up fools ya disson ya own.

  5. It’s an important day and a day Blacks and Republicans fought together against Democrats to achieve.

  6. Ignorant black people falling for white trash tactics. Think for yourself for a change. Not what your friends think, not what your neighbors think, what YOU think is right and the right thing to do. This really isn't hard.

  7. Vince Everett Ellison.

  8. Why is this Julia constantly mentioned everyday is she the Mayor now? I have seen nothing that Jake has been deployed and if so still when was the date? If she is not officially the mayor or fill in we can't refer to her as such just because Jake has said it. Jake says a lot of bullshit that never happens, he hypes things then drops things he is bipolar and needs to see a shrink and those of you who still follow him need shrinks too.

  9. Well...looks like CONgress....will try to push legislation to make this a federal holiday.

    Can't balance a budget...can't give Americans what they voted them in for...but can react in a election year to pass something which will give them votes. $26.1 trillion deficit and counting....


  10. Well said 10:30. This is something that should be celebrated. I do wonder why there was not a celebration for emancipation.

    1. Why should it be?? Because you think so?? What about every other nationality who have been SLAVE'S?? Oh that's right. Doesn't fit your NARRATIVE.

  11. I don't have a problem with this BUT what I do have a problem with is glanz is a loathsome vile and a racist. She made the decision. It was all about her and not the black community. And so are the rest of the white woke and social justice warriors in Sby none who had the common decency to even inquire if the black community had an input in this. In their attempt to prove to all they are not racists they have proved they are the biggest racists of all.
    No black speakers except for the artists not even a black unveiling.
    And let me set every one straight on their motives-this wasn't about being inclusive. It was about antagonizing and creating division Dont' worry glanz and the rest of the of the woke sjw's we have your number and you are disgusting sick pi$$ poor examples of humans beings

  12. WHAT A JOKE they never even heard of it until TRUMP mentioned it.

  13. I sure hope it doesn't get destroyed at 3 am.

  14. I won't go anywhere near any street or any place named BLM. Not because I am a racist but because I am superstitious and BLM has a dark ominous cloud over it. It is synonymous with riots, destruction and death most within black communities. It's pure bad luck jinx. I used to like to take the "old way" through Salisbury instead of bypass but will be taking bypass from now on.
    What I would fully support would be streets really renamed and not just 'ceremoniously' which is really an insult in honor of/in memory of black people who were of note in Salisbury. There used to be lots of black business owners. They should be forever memorized with a street name just like Billy Gene Jackson with the park. Blacks love art and so many are talented that it would be nice if murals or something was done at the foot of each street sign to let everyone know the person's contribution to the community.

    1. Blacks love art? Do you realize how much actual art they destroy?

      Cheap murals scrawled on the sides of buildings don’t count.

    2. They destroy that too.

  15. Would this even have happened if the idea and a street name in DC wasn't changed first? I doubt it.

  16. There is only one race more elite than all others, and we do not speak of its name.
    The dynastic families who print the fiat currencies are of a qualitatively better race and are destined to rule over the rest of us.

    They are behind the black vs. white narrative we see in MSM
    It is sad that the lower IQ black race does not realize it is again being used to support the elite race. They think they will gain something by tearing down the Caucasian race on behalf of the elites. They won't. The Caucasian race has always been friendly to the black race, and in fact, many Caucasian women now identify with the black race and have mixed race children. There is a lot of commonality between blacks and Caucasians.

    The unnameable race is the enemy.

    1. 12:08
      I agree 100% and understand the cryptic message. Very dangerous times indeed.

      Thanks to Joe for providing a forum for anonymous exchange of opinions.

  17. BLM and Antifa are one in the same. Neither has good intentions, both funded and controlled by soros and crew. They are anti American and use false narratives to cause division. Salisbury leadership wants chaos and division, its easier to control the ignorant this way. Look at all the looting, violence and arson....and you want to promote them and name streets after them?

  18. Most people have this all wrong. They want to tear down all of our statues and monuments and tear down the entire American culture. Holiday name changes, street name changes.... Somehow people think it is just about some random black dude or BLM but it isn't. It is about replacing American values with communist values. Replacing our Constitutional government with a communist one and the democratic party is cheering it on. Communist are running our cities and states and they are the ones that need to be torn down and changed.

  19. Does anyone know the names of the 2 Tuskegee Airmen from Delmarva and where exactly on Delmarva they lived? I would love something in observance of them.

  20. The enemy to local blacks are Day Glanz Gregory Yamakawa etc. THEY are behind a lot of things that appear racist. They are doing it to antagonize and divide.

  21. BLM is bad in that it teaches kids a life only matters depending on who the killer is. It's prioritizes murder which is very confusing. When children see a protest for a police killing a black and not a black killing another black it has an effect on them and is the reason why black youth don't value each other's life. It's dysfunctional and will have long term negative consequences withing black communities as we see the black on black murder rate spiking in every minority neighborhood since BLM came on the scenes. It's not a coincidence.

  22. If Amber Green and Jermichael Mitchell is involved in something you know it’s going to be racist against whites.

  23. I’m going to puke!

  24. Honestly it’s time for a new civil war.

  25. Not Jermichael but Amber for sure 3:16. He wasn't involved but should have been consulted I think. I don't like his politics (I am 100 percent Conservative and support President Trump 100 percent)but just like April Jackson they both are great people and really have great points and ideas as opposed to just trying to divide. They have been shut down and shut off by the come heres.
    They are coming out with a petition to rename Lake St. MLK Blvd. I personally don't think so. I really think it should be named Billy Gene Jackson Blvd since it leads to his park. Off streets could be named after non local and local black historical people. Our main throughfares should be reserved for local people.
    Speaking of local Amber's a come here just like the white wokes and they really should butt out and let locals like Jermichael, April, local black pastors, etc take the lead.

  26. " Anonymous said...
    Blacks love art? Do you realize how much actual art they destroy?

    Cheap murals scrawled on the sides of buildings don’t count.

    June 20, 2020 at 2:28 PM"

    Well I disagree. I find the murals beautiful because of the talent behind them. Not the style I like for my home but most art isn't. I prefer more traditional style of artwork. That doesn't mean though I don't think other styles shouldn't be on display.

    1. 2:28
      Should the ugly “art” be on display on the exterior wall of YOUR building? If so, what is the address?

  27. NO to MLK Blvd. Nothing against MLK at all it's just that he has things named after him everywhere. Should stick with local black leaders since if nothing is done in their remembrance their contributions will be lost with time unlike MLK's.

  28. I'm 77& a half. NEVER heard of this

  29. Amber Green's major difficulty is she takes her marching orders from white wokes. She like B.O. He was under the complete control of the white democrats in Congress. For example police reform has been an issue within black communities for decades. When B.O was first elected the democrats held Congress also. They could have passed any police reform they wanted to but didn't. The white democrats wouldn't allow it. Same with immigration. B.O obeyed his masters. Amber's like B.O. She's never left the plantation and obeys the white wokes without question. THEY said it would be Broad St so Amber obeyed them without question. She fancies herself a black leader but she is a lowly follower and will always be unless she wises up and stops allowing herself to be controlled.

  30. 12:08 and 1:51-
    "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies" John 8:44

    I pray you turn from this path before it is too late.

    1. 8:38
      I agree 100%
      It is Talmudic Judaism that established Communism. An expression of pure elitism.
      Rejected by Jesus Christ

  31. Celebrating Nineteenth is a good thing but naming a street ever a militant group is way off kilter. What's wrong with our Leaders?


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