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Sunday, June 21, 2020

Aunt Jemima brand to change name, remove image that Quaker says is 'based on a racial stereotype'

“We recognize Aunt Jemima’s origins are based on a racial stereotype," Quaker Oats said, adding that the move is an effort "toward progress on racial equality."

The Aunt Jemima brand of syrup and pancake mix will get a new name and image, Quaker Oats announced Wednesday, saying the company recognizes that "Aunt Jemima's origins are based on a racial stereotype."

The 130-year-old brand features a Black woman named Aunt Jemima, who was originally dressed as a minstrel character.

The picture has changed over time, and in recent years Quaker removed the “mammy” kerchief from the character to blunt growing criticism that the brand perpetuated a racist stereotype that dated to the days of slavery. But Quaker, a subsidiary of PepsiCo, said removing the image and name is part of an effort by the company “to make progress toward racial equality.”

“We recognize Aunt Jemima’s origins are based on a racial stereotype," Kristin Kroepfl, vice president and chief marketing officer of Quaker Foods North America, said in a press release. “As we work to make progress toward racial equality through several initiatives, we also must take a hard look at our portfolio of brands and ensure they reflect our values and meet our consumers’ expectations."

Kroepfl said the company has worked to "update" the brand to be "appropriate and respectful" but it realized the changes were insufficient.



  1. I disagree. Growing up the older ladies cooked the best food. There was a lot of cooks and restaurants hired black ladies since they could cook the best food and season just right.

    This icon is / was a great compliment. This fast food culture could not eat their food from this era.

  2. I am starting to boycott any company that goes along with this nonsense. Uncle ben too. Cream of wheat is next?

  3. so sick of the virtue signalers!

  4. So they fired her for being black? I thought the left didn't see color.

  5. 11:45 it's not the fact that she is an older lady. It's because Aunt Jemima comes from an 1875 minstrel show where white performers donned blackface. It was a song in the show. Completely agree with you that you should never trust a skinny chef and soul food is damn good.

  6. 11:54 go for it, you're basically saying you would rather buy a brand rooted in racial stereotype. It's just a logo, honestly not a big deal that it is changing.

  7. 11:54 spoken like someone who thinks mayonnaise is spicey.

  8. I just cancelled my subscription to Imperfect Foods after the sent me two emails in two days touting, in big, colorful letters, their support of BLM. It was unclear what they were doing to support it or even explain it, but they did trot out a picture of a (the?) black employee for emphasis.

    It's disturbing to see companies fall over themselves to jump on the caboose of this slow freight train to nowhere.

    1. So your boycotting Amazon,Google,Walmart... I could go on.

  9. Aunt Karen cooks with her cat up on the counter, no thanks.

    Plus she'll put some agave nectar or some other vegan BS in it.

  10. 1145 you sir sure exactly why so many of you need to actually consults some facts and data. Sure those old black ladies cooked well. Whether by law or custom, cooking and cleaning were the only jobs they could get during much of their lifetime.

  11. What about the Quaker? Talk about a stereotype!

  12. The Quaker oats guy is also going to be removed he is too old looking.
    Black Crow candy chews have to be changed to Blue-jay Chews.
    The Black Hills of S.D. are going to be renamed.
    The Black river has a name change coming.
    Black Friday has a change coming.

    It will never end now that so many are bowing to them!

    1. Don't forget the Pillsbury Dough Boy, have to burn that one down too for being offensive to the obese.

  13. I'm upset about Cracker Jacks! Its about time we change that to Caucasian Jacks!!!


  14. The virtue signaling is just unacceptable.

    Land O Lakes Indian maiden - gone, even though it was painted by an Indian
    Aunt Jemmina has been a solid brand and showed no disrespect to blacks - gone
    Uncle Ben's - same
    Cream of Wheat - on its way I guess

    Other Pepsi brands? Doritos is cultural appropriation of Mexican heritage. Mountain Dew sows a message of disrespect for Appalachian-Americans. Both must be purged and cleansed.

  15. MLK jr. needs to go, he disrespected his wife and other women. He plageroized his Doctorate and visited hookers all the time.

    1. Liz,
      MLK JR is dead
      Already left the building as they say

  16. Guess we will have to call all products "it". Like I will not buy brand "it" because "it" has a racist label.

  17. Let's have a chat about Mrs. Butterworth and Log Cabin, too.

    These people are off the rails.

  18. It's the Mars company. Boycott all their products. Look them up. They own many including Royal Canin Eukanuba Greenie AND they own both VCA and Banfield vet hospitals. Also Wisdom dog DNA Go with Embark
    Wisdom is a waste of money. It doesn't give as accurate results. Embark is accurate and the bonus is unless you opt out the DNA is used by Cornell vet school to study canine diseases and conditions so you are helping to save dogs's lives.

  19. If I were Kristin Kroepfl, I'd be thinking about changing my last name to something that sounds less like Crapfull.

  20. Back in the late 60's we had a black neighbor Miss Green she was heavy set and wore a turban. My mother used to cook and bring her food a few times a week and she used to tell us children to call her our Aunt Jemima. She was proud of Aunt Jemima. She made me a doll that I still have. When the dress is flipped one way it looks like her with the turban on and if you flip the dress the other way it's a little girl with a bow in her hair. I guess today that doll would be considered racist.

  21. Lincoln, Jefferson, Washington national monuments too?

    Where to draw the line?

    June teenth? Anyone really know about that day either?

  22. Billions have probably been sold over the years bet if we boycott the product and no one buys they'll change their tune maybe boycott all of Quaker as a whole. Enough is enough put yourselves right out of business.

  23. Mostly I buy the store brands not name brands cheaper and most of the time they taste better Walmart's Great Value makes just about everything better than the name brands.

    1. They do and I’m done. They kicked in 100K to blm. I don’t have a problem with my black friends and others I’m aquatinted with, but I do with a violent group suck as blm. I’m finished with Walmart for supporting that violent crap. Not giving my money to Walmart so it ends up in blm.

  24. George Jefferson on the tv sitcom, "The Jeffersons" looked at a bottle of syrup and said: "Well,the liberals finally got their way. Aunt Jemima is so light-skinned she looks white!"

    Louise said: " That's because it's Vermont Maid!"

  25. guess they dont know of her history they just think its racist to have her picture on her product

  26. What about Kentucky Fried chicken and Col. Sanders? Is it racist to have a white person on their logo?

  27. I’m going to make stickers of the traditional label and sell them to you all to slap on the syrup and admire Aunt Jemima and reminisce about the old days in your twilight years before you die and take your racist bones to your grave.

  28. Blows my mind how some of you just don't get it. True to your generation.

  29. What next ? Chef Boyardee is cultural appropriation ? Mrs. Paul not a Mrs. at all but now a Ms. ? Orville Redenbacher all of a sudden a creepy popcorn pusher with those teeth he should have teamed up Oral B Dental Floss. The Cambell soup kids...turns out they were incestuous. Clarence Birdseye a Communist Mr. Freeze ? The Jolly Green Giant a little to jolly with Little Sprout ? Ronald McDonald in white face ?
    What I find most disturbing is the toilet paper Bears in homes. Shouldn't they be shitting in the woods ?
    I would not take advertising too seriously.It's like politics.

  30. I can’t afford to paint my white car or trade it. I’m so upset I don’t know what to do. I’m not really a racist.

  31. I will never by that syrup again and I challenge everyone to agree with me.

  32. Well you got a black woman having a fit because there are 3 white boys she says on Rice Krispies. If black pictures and names are offending everyone why would 3 little white boys bother anybody?????

  33. Everybody has gone nuckin’ fut’s. What else had China released on us?

  34. Put Al Sharpton on the Label !! LOL

  35. Farakkon on the Label !!!!


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