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Saturday, June 27, 2020

These 3 Groups Organized to Support Mail-In Voting

Political progressives who favor the expanded use of mail-in balloting have been telling the American people not to pay attention to that man on Twitter who sees a potential connection between their proposals and massive voter fraud.

The Brennan Center for Justice, Priorities USA, and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law are three of the groups that, with an eye toward the November elections, are calling on government officials to make it easier to vote by mail.

In a tweet Monday morning, President Donald Trump said mail-in ballots “will lead to a RIGGED ELECTION!”

Barr: Mail-in Ballots ‘Absolutely Opens the Floodgates to Fraud‘https://t.co/vd4AD3EPb0 via @BreitbartNews. This will be the Election disaster of our time. Mail-In Ballots will lead to a RIGGED ELECTION!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 22, 2020



  1. The alleged aim of Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law is "election protection". Given that the organization was started under Kennedy and LBJ, it's evident that its real aim is to protect the Democrat party through whatever election manipulation is necessary.

  2. Rest assured; if this continues there will be massive voter fraud...It's already showing up in pocket of the country where this is going on now.

  3. Priorities USA Action is a progressive political action committee and is the largest Democratic Party super PAC. Founded in 2011, it supported Barack Obama's 2012 re-election campaign. It was the primary super PAC supporting Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. It focused mainly on high-dollar donors.

  4. Ok. All that said, what can we do to prevent mail-in voting?

    1. People could burn down post offices and mail trucks

  5. There must be some type of confirmation to assure legitimacy of these forms. Impose this if mail-ins are to be legal.

  6. 7:28 AM - What we can do is take back Congress and strengthen the Senate, and continue to be vocal everywhere about how dangerous the increase in mail-in voting is and can be. Our votes are the only true way that we have to determine our future. Those attempt or plot to steal them need to be swiftly and severely punished.

  7. it all goes to the Board of elections and that all goes to the governor. Hogan must stop this from happening in Md, but since he is a Trump hater, i have my doubts that he would care that the election is stolen. You can start by calling the Governor's office and sending him emails and ask him to stop the mail in voting.

  8. Voting?

    Is that what you guys have?
    You still think you can control the US Government?

    Are you awake?

    The government is attacking the population


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