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Sunday, June 07, 2020

‘Give Up The Home You Own’: Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Makes LIST of Demands for ‘White People’

Chanelle Helm, the co-founder and organizer of the Black Lives Matter group in Louisville, wrote an article in Leo Weekly listing ten demands that she feels privileged ‘white people’ owe her, and “black and brown people.”

Among them, white people should re-budget their incomes to donate to black housing funds, and of course, fight white supremacy by reporting “racists” to the police and getting them fired.

Charlene starts off her article saying, “Some things I’m thinking about that should change (in that Southern, black grandmama voice),” and proceeds with the following list:

1. White people, if you don’t have any descendants, will your property to a black or brown family. Preferably one that lives in generational poverty.

2. White people, if you’re inheriting property you intend to sell upon acceptance, give it to a black or brown family. You’re bound to make that money in some other white privileged way.



  1. When is day going to give up his?

    1. Hey, he put up a nice fence at the Camden avenue property. Electrical work being done too.

  2. Ahh yeah...I'll get right on all of that...

  3. I’ll take “Things I’ll Never Do” for $500, Alex.

  4. I want some of what she’s smokin’ cause otherwise she cray cray.

  5. Release a list of names of all blm members. Any name on that list is a racist.

  6. what a wackado - maybe she should just tell her crowd to be personally responsible, obey the law, look after and actively raise you own kids and not look for an excuse, hand out, or to lay blame for failure. Wait, that would be unpopular in that crowd!

  7. You’ll give it up when this becomes law.

    1. When President Obama was elected, the black where I worked cheered and jeered. I was told we whites would be pickin’ cotton by the time he left office. That never happened and this won’t either.

  8. Always people of the same element placing these demands and now we are seeing more and more white people cowering down to this nonsense because they have been indoctrinated.

  9. How about getting off your lazy entitled asses and get a JOB!! It pays money the more you work. Nobody owes you shit for what people did in the 1700s and 1800s. I live in poverty. Where is my donation? Oh wait I WORK for what I have. No parents no grandparents nobody to help me.

    Pure defination of ignorance!!

  10. David Bowling, I see you support this but you have never owned a home in your life. Can't keep a job, can't keep a woman. You are a pathetic white male.

    1. Are you mad because he can helicopter and you can’t?

      I mean you’re bashing and name dropping a guy who would give you the shirt off his back. Must be a little envy...

  11. Anonymous said...
    Release a list of names of all blm members. Any name on that list is a racist.

    June 6, 2020 at 12:54 PM

    I agree!

  12. You could give them everything you own and within 10 years they’ll be where they are now and so will I

  13. So I have worked my ass off for all I own ,NOTHING ,was handed to me and I am suppose to give some of it away, though I willing support legit charities. But because you are black or brown you deserve what I worked for. How about you get a job bust your ass and will both enjoy the friuts of our labors instead of asking for money. You want to make a difference then be the difference go earn it show ot can be done.

  14. So to continue with the free handouts, she's wanting more free handouts.

  15. It's the same story and it leads to all the truths about Democrats their the ENTITLED PEOPLE they should have everything they want without working for it, they should always be believed and should be chosen for every job. Forget the most qualified, the hardest working, the helpers in the world who live right and try to help others, who raise their children with values and rules and are taught to respect others view points and just might learn something with just a positive attitudes. I do not live in a good area but children and teenagers talk to me and the above is what I tell them if they want a good life really put themselves into it. Life would be better for all of us if we could all just get along and work things out, not react to things but help and care.

  16. racism at its finest discriminating against white people is getting out of hand. its only a matter of time before all this kind of nonsense comes to a head. whats gonna happen when white, hard working men and women decide they had enough of this

    1. There won't be any more tax money coming in

  17. Yep and then the neighborhood would eventually become a slum anyway. When you give people things they don’t take care of them.

  18. Thus is funny. I thought they didn't have a leader? 😂

  19. Has nothing to do with the memory of Mr Floyd.

  20. And meanwhile this just in- Black voter approval of President Trump is surging Over 40 percent approval rating among black likely voters.

    I knew all along this was going to back fire on them I've been glued to social media and support for BLM is not what many think it is. For everyone I've seen supporting it I've seen just as many if not more speak out against it on people's personal pages.

  21. Hey "Chanelle"...Here's an idea...Tell "Those" people YOU represent to GET A JOB! What a concept!

  22. Wish in one hand and $h1t in the other and see which one fills up first

  23. Wow just wow! And WE are the racist ppl? W...T...F.....

  24. This is hilarious she is saying blacks are too stupid and aren't capable of making it on their own and they don't get that this is an insult.
    If sometime tried to tell me I am owed something I say no one owes me nor do I own anyone a thing because I am too smart to have that fallen in that trap. And it's the truth. I won't tell anyone what I own because they will think I am bragging but I don't owe a cent on anything.

  25. This is a bit much. Here in America we work for what we want, no matter what color you are. I mean if you want a house get up and work for it. I am not racist by any means, but I do think you should work for whatever you get in this world.

  26. These people are racist terrorists and should be classified as such. most of em are not even black. Look at all the stupid on the news, tells you all you need to know.

    1. Bernie Hillary Soros Scumbags.

  27. I owe no one anything...period!!!

  28. Nope. Don't think so. And don't try to take it. Would be a very big mistake

  29. I will drop a duece on a plate for her so she won't go hungry.

  30. Over my old gray, white dead ass.

  31. Come and get it lol Stack em up like firewood. Sadly again you will be forced to take a side. The Chicago Target was completely looted. Odd the only thing left in the store was the work boots ?

    1. Suntan lotion and fathers day cards

  32. Why don't you come and try to take it!

  33. White Lives Matter have some Demands for him !!!

  34. Blacks don't want equality they want equity. We see this all the time when they "protest." They end up looting and stealing.

    1. However there were a good amount of whites looting as well in fact the first to start the looting was indeed a white police officer in disguise. Sad right?

    2. 2:30
      Was it a police officer pretending to be white?
      Or a white person pretending to be an officer?

  35. Where you learn that at?? Did you not see all of the whites marching with and for BLM? They're tired and we as a nation are tired and vow to make a difference and will make America Great Again by standing and marching with them. It's folks like you that make America stink. So get your facts straight before posting. GID bless you and help you

  36. My list for Ghetto Rats

    1. Stop having babies you cannot afford
    2. Stop committing crime
    3. Pay attention in school so you can get a job
    4. Turn down that sh***y music in your cars
    5. Stop fighting each other everywhere.
    6. Stop shooting each other
    7. Don't smoke weed while you're driving. It gives the police an excuse
    8. Stop voting Democrat. That is the root of all your problems

    1. Sad thing is the Democrats start with the KKK! It's a history lesson they dont teach no more but how many really know that

  37. Really? Trying to be serious here...and throw in church?

    Those are not the rules. Thanks for trying though.

  38. Looting is no special occasion for blacks. They do it every day when they go into a store, they just gotta steal something.

  39. I absolutely agree 100%. All you have to do is come on in I'll leave the door WIDE OPEN and we can sit down and do the "paperwork". The liberal lefts mental instability just gets more bizarre day to day

  40. None of this would change a thing except to promote more disharmony than the undoing of healing that Obama and Democrats, along with Hollywood,and the MSM, put over on us with their support of racial unrest based on unproven assumptions.
    Here we go again.


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