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Sunday, June 14, 2020

Facebook Pulled Fight Video I Posted At 7:25 AM Today, Here It Is Again


  1. Anonymous said...
    Dear Steve Hammond and other Sorry-Ass local media,

    If you really cared about Delmarva and the USA, you'd get off your ass and televise this instead of the lionization of George Floyd!

    Jimmy Hoppa, you seed like a decent guy. This behavior makes me sick to my stomach! What about you? Albero's the only one with big enough stones to tell people what's really happening.

    As your savior Sloe Biden would say "Come on Man"!

  2. This is a much shorter version of the original post I put up earlier this morning. It was a lot worse.

  3. Lawless Urban AmericaJune 10, 2020 at 10:56 AM

    This is justice for George Floyd.

    This is how African-Americans teach whites to "check their privilege"

  4. My guess is that the OCPD had Facebook pull it in fear of what will happen tonight in retaliation. Two young white me were severely beaten, knocked out, stomped on and then kicked in the head while knocked out. They stole his wallet and ran off like a bunch of THUGS. Shame on OCPD and Facebook for pulling it and protecting these THUGS.

  5. WBOC I have watched since 1958, I no longer do. It has become Delaware own news station! I can’t believe police weren’t around the boardwalk from Jolly Rogers to the inlets has become a bad area. And should have police posted ever night! Why didn’t a group of citizens come to his defense! I think the time has come for Maryland to be an open carry state!

    1. Bingo 11:02 judged by 12 or carried by 6. Sad but thats the option in facist MD

  6. Put them down like the animals they are

  7. It takes a special kind of punk-*ss wimp to hit someone while they are unconscious! Wanna be thug.

  8. My blood is fking boiling.

  9. Really disgusting to see what OC boardwalk has turned into. June Bug weeks in OC should be made impossible to rent to under age children. This starts with the owners and rental agents that continue to rent to wild animals...mostly during June.

  10. OCPD can be sued if they censor!!!! Just a thought, if you really want to get at them and effect change!!!! Public comments/videos on a public Facebook page is public and if you remove or delete them in anyway, you can be sued OCPD!!!! There is already precedent in the courts for this, and OCPD you won't win!!!!!

  11. Northwest Woodsman: Please take my advice; never trust a Scandinavian “youth”, armed or unarmed and try to avoid by ten nautical miles whenever possible. Please, everyone, do some critical evaluation of the facts and admit to yourselves who is responsible for the majority of violent crime in this country. Why is it allowed to continue unabated and even encouraged by the press/media?

  12. Now do you know why people become RACIST'S??
    We should get a GoFundMe page to get an electronic billboard to show this all summer long.

  13. tell us again how they are so peaceful law abiding citizens? all I see is animals! sad thing is all the people standing around did nothing to stop it!
    Maybe the kid needs to sue OC for not providing enough police protection?
    I would! show this in every town in maryland pa, nj, ny so the law abiding tourist stop coming. hit oc in the pocketbooks!

  14. I’ll bet if you sneezed down there any time of day or night, the people monitoring cameras would come across a speaker advising to put your mask on. Hell that place was planting cams everywhere as far back as twenty years ago. Imagine how many are there now. Don’t pick your nose or seat unless you want to be seen.

  15. You want to vacation there? NOT ME!!!!!

  16. Why does the local news stations not carry any of these stories? Should be on FOX news.

  17. This is nothing new. This is how blajs act everywhere. The are the biggest RACIST'S on Earth. Can you imagine if two blacks got jumped by White's?? They'd burn down the freaking boardwalk. Because t then again these White's may have been part of the degrade me because I'm white crowd as well. But they won't be NOW.

  18. I DARE anyone to try to defend this behavior! There is NO EXCUSE! Animals, thats all they are, PUNKS, THUGS ANIMALS!

  19. So how about instead of the blm protest at su today have a stop the violence rally. This is what causes hate. And don't anyone say it's that hate (and suspicion) is because of racism. It's because of realty. A disproportionate number of young black males are extremely violent and we see it day in and day out

    1. I think it's because most grow up in cities where's there's no hunting and fishing. We are animals. We have primal instincts just like sex no matter how hard society tries to take it away. They just need to hunt, so they hunt whatever is available. In a different setting they would be killing critters to eat not people just because.

    2. The only way to deal with these animals is direct and brute force. Carry a weapon and use it wisely. I was accosted at my business in OC years ago and told the gang banger that if he came back around the corner I would put a cap in his ass. He left. I had my 380 in my hand and was prepared to use it.

  20. Why isn't this classified as a hate crime?

    Guess what, it is a Hate Crime!

  21. This must be justice for Floyd. Yeah, right!

  22. JoeAlbero said...
    This is a much shorter version of the original post I put up earlier this morning. It was a lot worse.

    June 10, 2020 at 10:55 AM

    Well please post the longer version. Let the public see what kind of animals these people are.

    1. You troll until noon everyday until you go to sleep. Then start posting and trolling again at 0200. Every day. Multiple post are you troll and we all see it.

  23. Start shooting.

    If I'm on the jury, you walk no matter what the evidence.
    Jury Nullification. Perfectly legal and there is NOTHING they can do about it.
    They (the government) do not want you to know about that particular right of "we, the people". And they get VERY nagry when anyone actually talks about it.
    People -- use your power. And your guns.

    Or keep cheering hyena's taking over the jungle.

    Yeah. I said it. AND USED MY NAME. Come and get some.

  24. Where are the cops that i saw telling families to remove their bikes and dogs from the Boardwalk last Thursday afternoon at say 2pm?

  25. Man it’s pandemonium in OC!

  26. New website so we can get organized:

    Let's Open Carry in OC Dot Com

  27. I believe the police need some help from citizens

  28. Total cowards, what was it, 5 on 1? But whites are racist? God love these thugs if they incite a race war because they'll certainly get no mercy from me.


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