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Sunday, June 14, 2020

Ocean City Officials Hold Closed Meeting To Address Violence

OCEAN CITY — Resort officials met in a closed session Wednesday afternoon to address a major brawl on the Boardwalk early Wednesday morning and other recent high-profile incidents.

Just after midnight on Wednesday, a fight broke out on the Boardwalk between large groups of young adults. At least one young man was punched repeatedly in the face while sitting on a Boardwalk bench to the point it appeared he fell unconscious. Other skirmishes broke out during the larger altercation which carried over to the beach area.

A video of the incident captured by a witness and posted on social media went viral and left many in the community with more questions than answers. The incident early Wednesday morning continued a pattern of violence in some areas of the resort including the Boardwalk.

Around 4:30 a.m. on Sunday, a fight involving a large group of people broke out on the Boardwalk between 6th and 7th Streets during which one individual was stabbed.



  1. It's too late. I mean they act like they have never been in this situation before. It's got to be one of these things.
    1) The mayor told police to stand down.
    2) The police are afraid the mayor won't back them up if something happens.
    3) The entire OC government are inept and need to be replaced.

  2. 4) the mayor is a commicrat.

  3. Does this really qualify for a closed door meeting? It's not a personnel issue or a land acquisition. Why should this be a big secret?

    1. Closed is closed. Freeloaders (residents) not welcomed.


    2. There are 14 allowable reasons to close a meeting, not 2. File a complaint if you don’t like it. #10 “permits public bodies to close a meeting to discuss public security, including (i) the deployment of fire and police services and staff; and (ii) the development and implementation of emergency plans.”

  4. Curfew on the board walk for every body?

  5. 9:27... BAM,ya nailed it!

  6. In other words, the secretary went for donuts and coffee, and they sat around and talked golf, and fishing.

  7. Apparently the government officials and the police commission don't know what to do, or are afraid to act. This has been an on going situation within this town for too long. And not just on the boardwalk. They have allowed it to go on without drastic pro-action for so long now that it will be years before it turns around. If it can be turned around. The town officials still believe this is a family resort. (What the hell kind of family do they come from or have.) Therefore, they will do almost nothing major to curb these types of activities except blow smoke up our butts like they do every time they come out with a press release about how appalled they are at the actions of many.

  8. These are unprecedented events for OC. If an effective plan isn't established, the town will suffer. If the plan is too restrictive, the town will suffer. If just one brawler is killed by another, it's bad for the town. If one brawler is injured or killed by police, it'll be on national news for weeks, protesters will descend like locusts, agitators among them, more will be injured, the south end will be ablaze and (wait for it) it'll be bad for the town.

    It's a tightrope that no OC council or mayor has walked.

  9. It's not just OC. It's nearly the whole East Coast where Democrats have assumed management in areas they were elected to. Coons, Hogan, and everyone under them need to go.

    People don't realize what this is going to do to Ocean City properties. Never mind visitors. People just won't want to live there.

  10. Any meetings on this topic should be open to the public, particularly the voters and citizens. of OC.

    1. My thoughts exactly. What is the reason for a closed meeting?

    2. To get their stories straight silly goose

  11. Plan???
    Effective Plan???
    Comprehensive Plan??
    Strategic Plan???

    City FAIL cant plan a bar-be-que without arguing over money. Every session they argue. I'm positive they argued during this CLOSED session (hey by the way, I thought no more CLOSED sessions) and feelings got hurt again.

    OC is a business - plain and simple. RUN it like a business. Cuts when there is no money, embrace the community... PROTECT the community.

    Don't just do $hit because its how you did it before...or HOPE it will go away. There wasn't MEDIA coverage back when Trimp/Harry/Fish ran the show.

    Today is different and one instance could cost a lot of lost revenue based on FEAR. Our many years of loss has been others gains (VA Beach, NC beaches and DE beaches).

    Closed meeting, lather/rinse/repeat.

    I'm way too old for this constant $hit.

  12. @10:26 am... not sure what you mean by “These are unprecedented times for Ocean City?” What the Hell does that mean?? This has been happening in Ocean City for at least 10 years and happening multiple time all Summer. Then you have the idiots from H20i. So what the Hell are you talking about??

  13. nice family friendly town. i wouldn't take my family there if they paid me. just like chicago.

    1. At this point they might be better off vacationing in chicago

  14. Plaster this on social media, tell families to stay away. OC now thug city, not for families

    1. Agreed, thug city md. Stay away.

  15. The current Mare is a drunk loser that simply is holding his head above water. The only two Councilpersons that even know about business are James and Gegrig, and their outnumbered. Even then James is to young to do anything but be his daddies mouthpiece, and bend over for his union buddies. The Town is lost folks, get over it!

  16. 1040...prob a damned if you do..damned if you don't scenario for OC.

    1100 I don't believe my OC is a thug city. Thugs cannot afford living on this island - let alone afford to pay for any type of personal food or entertainment establishments.

    With that said, thugs would only be located at certain locations:

    - South End inlet area
    - Boardwalk mid/south end
    - JollyRogers
    - Fast Food establishments
    - oh yeah ice cream joints

    There's were you can send LEO's Rickie. Leave the North end of town and bayside alone.

  17. What I seen on the video, that was posted on social media. Ocean city police department should have been able to be there. As many there is this time of the year. However, if it was turned around. It would’ve been a different outcome on this story. It would’ve been on TV. The lawyers involved.
    But this one white boy that was on the bench beaten till he was unconscious. Still sitting on the bench unconscious. Then they still were feeding him while he was unconscious. He fell to the ground unconscious and they were kicking him while he was unconscious. And as he was laying there unconscious. Eden they show out on the beach where they drug a White boy out on the beach and started beating on him. When he got up and started walking away he started beating on him again. Still no police has shown up. You didn’t even see it anywhere but only on social media WOW. “SOME LIVES DON’T MATTER!!!”

  18. Great now we need to deal with the virus and this down there. They really should not have opened for the season down there. When you have a bunch of out of towners with nothing to do this does not surprise me and I expect to see more of this down there.

  19. There are problems every single year during senior week. This is senior week on steroids. OC is not half as dangerous as Salisbury is at night. In fact in a few weeks everything will have quieted down. Like an earlier poster said, if the cops showed up during that chances are it would've been plastered all over national news and million times worse.

    In fact OC already was back to normal last night. Instead of boardwalk violence just had the normal car through a building at 1:00am with a helicopter ride.

  20. Going forward police/government are going to be afraid to intervene on blacks committing crime so expect to see a sharp rise in their out of control behavior.

  21. Too late Rick - WTOP has it, and they have put it out on Twitter / you and your council blew it

  22. Assault my teen kid I'm coming for Ya.

  23. He needs to be recalled the property owners and biasness are being hijacked by thugs and they ALL Allowed it to happen.

  24. Am loving life in the pines - sold my condo in oc 4 years ago / not worth it. Now I take the grandkids to the beach on the north end and come home to seafood and peace and quiet with no drama / I do wish oc would get its act together

    1. Pines HOA is how much?

    2. Exactly - it’s expensive which keeps the trash out

    3. Was only askin

  25. Funny. Ocean City has always come down hard on law abiding citizens (and taxpayers, often local) for minor vehicle infractions like seat belts, speeding, and burned out bulbs, all with the council's blessing. These clowns have no problem at all with three or more police vehicles at almost every traffic stop and downright intimidation and harassment. Then you get to go before the kangaroo court at 65th street where it's all rigged in favor of the town. But let armed fights break out and where are they? That's it keep hiding. Isn't it about time for another round of salary negotiations? Six figures not enough? Time to give them more Rickie? Yeah, have another meeting.

  26. The council just got their hand slapped for violating the closed meeting act

  27. The only effective way for law enforcement to deal with this lawless violence is, overwhelming physical force!
    Plain and simple. It also helps deter further incidences. Use your head!

  28. Funny thing is that they act like savages and yell oppression or some other nonsense when they get put down. I support the police being proactive and stopping this mess now.

  29. They didn’t do sh*t about the violence.

  30. ocean city doesn't care about violence as long as the thugs feed those parking meters


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