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Saturday, June 06, 2020

Dozens of 'disrespected' Louisville police officers walk out on mayor

Police in Louisville, Kentucky, walked out on the city's mayor in protest at him 'disrespecting' them as they claimed he 'does not care about them at all'.

Video shows officers and detectives from the Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD) silently streaming out of a room as mayor Greg Fischer prepared to address them ahead of a 12-hour shift.

Fraternal Order of Police president Ryan Nichols, who was not present, said the move was an unplanned reaction by officers who said they felt 'completely unsupported and disrespected.'

Tensions in the city have been high after the death of EMT Breonna Taylor in March. She died in her apartment after being shot eight times by cops, with her death sparking ongoing protests.

Black business owner David McAtee was then shot dead by cops on Monday during protests at the killing of George Floyd, further raising tensions between police and protesters.



  1. Folks this is what happened in Baltimore and Chicago and you see the outcome. Liberal city’s are the most dangerous in the country

  2. Do not ship food to these areas

  3. Baltimore that is

  4. 9;12AM You got that right. In fact just about anything liberal bares watching and approaching with extreme caution.

  5. And the union cops vote for the Democrats. Stupid is as stupid does.

  6. I understand these police officers and how they must feel because four officers were really bad people it should not reflect on all. I am sorry for the Floyd family and the good officers who do not conduct themselves like these four that I hope get very stiff sentences. The world mourns with you.

    1. 2:56
      Four of them were bad?

      ALL of them took a job to ENFORCE illegal Statutory Laws against Americans.

      Educate your stupid self!

  7. Well, its extremely unfortunate, but it's looking more & more like THIS is the only way the cops will be heard! I truly think that with the blatant blind eyes, and deaf ears the local mayors, and governors are showing towsards the thugs, and the scrutinizing of each and every move the cops out on the streets, in trying to uphold the law. The officials making the cops stand and watch, while crimes are being committed, and now, talks of cutting back on resources, what to you expect the cops to do?? Without them, the cities would have burnt to the ground! Don't forget. There's corrupt Mayors, corrupt, governors, corrupt city councils. I don't hear THEM talking about policing themselve's. I they don't start STANDING BEHIND their cops, we're gonna see more walkouts, and I for one, don't blame them!

  8. Don't be suckered into donations for these SHITHOLE cities. LET THEM DIE!!!!!


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