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Saturday, June 06, 2020

Was It RACIST For The City/County To Shut Down The GOB?

OK, so Thursday I put up an article simply stating the GOB was being close that afternoon ultimately at 4:00 and I was called a racist. Lord only knows what I personally said that made me out to be a racist but when it comes to any Liberal you can look at them wrong and those pansies will throw up their arms and scream, DON'T SHOOT! 

So while I'm utterly confused at to why anyone, (mainly Mayor Jake Day) would call me a racist I'd truly like to know why Jake and all his stupid friends didn't call him and the City's other co owners of that building out as racists because they felt the desperate need to get EVERYONE out of that building before, (let's be nice now) protesters showed up. 

Now I'm sure you could say that they shut it down so cars didn't get blocked in and whatever other kind of idea they might come up with but let's get real here people, they were skeered, (eastern shore for scared). 

So when you hear Jake and his pack of rainbow banner followers calling me a racist simply because I said he might take a knee at the protest, THINK about the fact that HE/THEY shut down the local government by allowing this protest to happen during a very scary time, (in their eyes, not mine) and ran like a bat out of hell. 

IF the protest was intended to be so peaceful and they weren't skeered they wouldn't have shut it down. Plain and simple.


  1. I’m guessing that they are saying you are a racist as there are many racist comments on your blog, that you allow . If the ones that I see pass then I would hate to see the comments that you say you reject. Northwest Woodsmen who posts a lot, is a prime example.

    1. I suppose it's a gift and a curse. Whether it's his sense of thinking or intention I do not know but I love it cause it shows just how narrow minded, uneducated and truly miserable some of these people are on here and it reminds me to remember just how much racism still exists not only physically as we experience, but mentally. I just dislike how he picks and chooses when he omits challenges to some comments. But it's his page. It is what it is.

    2. I’ve never seen him post anything but common sense and observation. Pattern recognition isn’t racist, it’s a survival mode.

    3. What? It is called freedom of speech. Just because someone doesn't believe what you believe doesn't make them racist. How is anything I post make it Joe's thoughts. That is why it is called a blog for everyone to share their own opinion. I am so afraid of what is coming to America. Funny, everyone who was an immigrant came to America to get away and for a new and better life. Now that America is becoming socialist/communist where will the immigrant run to now? So many people who have been spoon fed and have no clue how to run a business and make honest money marching around demanding what exactly. They don't even know what they want. Forgive them for they know not what they are doing. Sad indeed.

  2. actually it was smart because they know you can not ever trust blacks when they get in a group. Even a small group. The sby government wasn't taking any chances with a race that everyone knows can go full primal on you and start tearing up crap in an instant. Is is racist? I would say it isn't in reality because it's a smart thing to do but it does show just how much local officials do not trust blacks either. What's funny are the blacks actually thing the city thinks of them as equals. The city thinks of them as potential thugs.

  3. You’re the one who said lock your doors

  4. Anything to give government workers more time off towards their quest for that generous government pension.

  5. day could care less about blacks. He's all talk which is typical for a democrat He couldn't wait to move as far away from blacks as possible. If he cared about blacks he would be speaking out against perdue who have used for decades and still do blacks as slaves in their plants. They pay so little to them that the tax payers are subsidizing the workers in the form of all kinds of entitlements. They work hard in those plants and in conditions animals would be allowed to be in and no matter how hard they work there is no chance for them to dig their way out of poverty.

    1. You should check out the working conditions at the soybean plant.

  6. " Anonymous said...
    You’re the one who said lock your doors

    June 6, 2020 at 9:59 AMJ"

    Right! And the city saw that and said Yes That is a prudent idea. We must lock up the government building because you can't ever trust blacks when they get in groups.

  7. Day should be ashamed of himself. No one believes the lies coming out of this liars mouth.
    His thinks he is going to lecture anyone then his lying self is going to get one in return.
    He talks about his "neighbors." This is the same day who moved to a neighborhood as far away from blacks as he could get.
    This is the day whose children will go to a mostly if not all white school
    This is the day whose children will not ever play in a playground in the minority neighborhood unless it's it for a photo op ad he's out looking for votes
    The liar needs to get off his high horse because everyone knows he's a liar who is all talk

  8. 9:55, Interesting comment. I always find Northwest Woodsman's comments to have a lot of common sense. And he seems to have a firm grasp of reality and how it applies to everyday life. Have not seen seen any of his comments that were mean-spirited,much less any hateful. He seems like a good person and nice guy.

  9. Is Day's senior administration still all white folks? Asking for a friend.

  10. 9:55 You're the problem. Posting vivid truth is far from racial if no slander is being used. Maybe northwest woodsman's comments bother you because you know them to be true and you can't handle the truth, or maybe it's PC enough for you. Then again it's probably just that you're a democrat and it doesn't fit your agenda.

  11. "Anonymous said...
    I suppose it's a gift and a curse. Whether it's his sense of thinking or intention I do not know but I love it cause it shows just how narrow minded, uneducated and truly miserable some of these people are on here and it reminds me to remember just how much racism still exists not only physically as we experience, but mentally. I just dislike how he picks and chooses when he omits challenges to some comments. But it's his page. It is what it is

    June 6, 2020 at 11:25 AM"

    Hardly miserable. My life is perfect. Completely stress free no troubles of any kind including family financial or health.

    The only ones miserable are you because you can't accept the truth. Your life is a mess personally and you know I am right. This is because you are on the wrong side of what is right and just and on the side of what is all that is wrong in this county When your thinking is as morally corrupted as iyours is everything in your life will suffer. You are an unhappy unsatisfied person. Myself I am happy and content. The truth tellers always are.

  12. Drove through downtown earlier in the day and saw the sidewalk dining set up outside Mogan's. Did they close too or move their tables inside before the protest?

  13. Pretty words aren't always true and true words aren't always pretty. This is another one of the many difficulties in blacks' lives. They never learned this trueism. The truth is difficult for them to hear at times. Prioritizing a murder depending on who the murderer is is as low as someone can get in life.

  14. "Steve Betz said...
    Is Day's senior administration still all white folks? Asking for a friend.

    June 6, 2020 at 12:39 PM"

    He attempted to prove how diverse he thinks when he gave that lesbian glunz a job in his admin.

  15. Lol. Thanks for that! I’m an independent actually. I do not have an agenda. But please, go on. I just call it like I personally see it. If you don’t agree, that’s fine. Have a great day!

  16. We also closed down for folk fest and I for one was glad we did. There are certain liabilities that come with being a government employee non partisan or not being at a function like that . It’s a public building so they could have come in or walking to out cars or the lot or on the street or garage. We could show in a photograph supporting or condemning depending on the poster . So I feel it was a good call. If by chance it did not stay peaceful and there were injuries the city and the county would have been accountable. It mad good business sense to close.

  17. OH, Now everything is Racists , except the Racist Blacks of course !!!

    Racist Smacist , sick of hearing it !!!!


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