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Saturday, June 06, 2020

D.C. Mayor Bowser has 'Black Lives Matter' painted on street leading to White House

The act was intended to honor protesters who had peacefully assembled earlier this week.

District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser on Friday had "Black Lives Matter" painted on the street that leads to the White House where protesters have been demonstrating following George Floyd’s death in police custody.

"There was a dispute this week about whose street this is," John Falcicchio, chief of staff for Bowser, a Democrat, said in a tweet. "Mayor Bowser wanted to make it abundantly clear that this is DC's street and to honor demonstrators who (were) peacefully protesting on Monday evening."



  1. I certainly agree there is prevalent racism in the United States today. As a white Male, I've experienced racial discrimination since the day I was born.

  2. History repeating itself, the Democrat party adopted the KKK as their militant arm of the party now it’s the black shirt fascists known as BLM/ANTIFA

  3. Why am I upset about Amazon Pasting BLM all over it's site? Anybody else take issue with that? When I want to buy things that is the last thing I need to see. I am getting out of Amazon 4 sure today.

  4. So take a street cleaner and fill it with paint remover and ride the streets

    1. Bo, aimlessly throw 500 gallons of paint in multi colors over it.

  5. There are many productive Black citizens who contribute to society and are exemplary role models. Dr. Ben Carson for one, Oprah, LeBron James. Then, there are those who play the forever victim; they demand "free sh!& because they are black, they demand high paying jobs because they are black, they demand free housing because they are black, they loot and riot because they are black, they violently attack and kill each other ad hoc, they live in squalor and have no respect. Their efforts are fueled by the pandering and disingenuous who thank their lucky stars for their status but in reality probably couldn't care less about black Americans.

  6. She's a RACIST. All black leaders are RACIST. They are the joke of SOCIETY because they are sooo INEPT. Until the BLACKS clean up their act and stop playing games. Just like the NFL players running their mouth about Brees. Tell me these RICH RACIST'S aren't making FOOL'S of themselves.

  7. Obviously Tax Dollars Don't Matter in D.C.

    1. Stop paying taxes for a few years...everyone. if every tax payer only paid taxes for what they believed in, some of this would go away. I will pay for roads and military. If you do t like it don't pay for roads and military. I don't like food stamps, welfare or section 8 housing and should not be forced to pay for it. If the government would stop giving federal funds to states, period. These problems would disappear. Federal taxes would go down, state taxes would go up in every state in the union. You would see the assists in liberal states change their dang ways as they would not have enough cash to continue in their theft of taxpayer money with out federal tax bailouts. Stop paying all taxes until the federal government stops giving your money to peoe that hate you. They do hate you ya know or they would not allow this to happen.

  8. Restore Federal jurisdiction of that town and toss those phonies out of office.

  9. So I’m assuming that there will be White Lives Matter on another street? Fair is fair.

  10. Take the paint and materials out of her fat ass pocket before running her out of DC

  11. NO 10:26 The last thing we would ever do is lower ourselves to emulate them

  12. Looks real attractive doesn't it. When blacks are involved you have to paint the streets because if you try and something to really uplift and beautify the neighborhoods like plant gardens and make nice parks for them come hell or high water in short order they will mess that up.

  13. Why was this allowed to happen on OUR street??? I demand that this be removed!!! This is not the mayor's personal property! It's wrong and disgusting. Remove it now!!!

  14. I Love It actually. blm is blacks prioritizing a murder depending on who the murderer is. Speaks to their true primal natures. Only a an uncivilized people would devalue someone's life because they weren't murdered by the right person

  15. This too shall pass....just like everything else.

  16. Next thing ya know they will be painting rainbows in the crosswalks to celebrate the deviants.

  17. Pour tar all over it. This shit has got to go. This is not her private driveway.

  18. No worries, it will look much better when I drive over it with my diesel pickup and blow black smoke and soot down over all them purdy yellow letters


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