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Monday, June 01, 2020

Dover Mall looted

State of emergency declared, curfew issued by Dover mayor

Dover Mayor Robin R. Christiansen issued a state of emergency and implemented a 9 p.m. curfew after the Dover Mall was looted on Sunday, May 31.

Protesters gathered at Legislative Hall in downtown Dover Sunday afternoon. The group moved through the city with the assistance of the Dover Police Department, eventually to Route 13 and the parking lot of the Dover Mall. As the sun began to set, the looting began.

Forever 21 could be seen being looted on several Facebook Live videos. A video of the aftermath showed a broken window and scattered merchandise.

“We did have a looting incident at the Dover Mall that we were able to contain relatively quickly,” said Dover Police Department Master Corporal Mark Hoffman.



  1. Our local news outlets did a horrible job in reporting this to us!
    My question is are they trying to hide the facts that there are riots going on both on the shore and in Maryland?

    If they are "Delmarva's" news leader, they certainly aren't doing their jobs to report the news!

    Maybe the public service commission needs to take a looks at these local broadcasters and revoke their licenses for failure to report the news and support our community?

    My question is why do I have to go to WMAL, WMAR, OR WJZ in Baltimore to find out what is going on in Maryland?

    Or the riots in Dover?

    After all WBOC is all Delaware, all the time, the F**k the rest of the peninsula! I'm sorry, but Maryland and Virginia are SOL!

  2. Dover Mall is on it's last legs. Not safe to shop there after dark if you are a female alone as it is.

  3. Hahaha. Dover Mall?? They still have a Mall?? I guess the military dependent's needed a military discount.

    1. When are WE Patriots going to take up Arms ?

    2. 11:48 - you go ahead hero. Go and start shooting and see what happens. What a ridiculous comment you have made.

  4. CNN asked Joe Biden about the looting during the protest in Dover.

    Joe; I support the protesters and their right to rout for your team.

    CNN; no Joe Looting not routing.

    Joe; yes they are supporting this guy George for president

    CNN; No Joe the protesters are stealing and burning

    Joe; searing and burning, that is not how to cook

    CNN; Joe they are causing damage and great losses

    Joe; Great! Damn great Bosses!

    Joe; you know I'm running to be elected something

  5. Dover Mall's been nothing but thugs for years. Kind of the Salisbury one.

  6. 11:56

    And more:

    CNN: But Joe what about the looting?

    Joe: If you ain't looting you ain't black!

  7. What fools set a curfew at 9:00 PM should have been before dark, that's like shutting the barn doors after the horses are out. Dover got what they deserved cities should have learned by all the media attention you can't miss it. Mayor of Dover sounds like a fool surprised we haven't had this with Jake as Mayor. He would think vandalism and looting would be another festival.


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