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Monday, June 01, 2020

Baltimore police officer put on administrative duties after videos show he punched woman Friday night

A Baltimore Police officer seen on video striking a woman Friday night has been placed on administrative duties and his police powers suspended, while the incident is investigated, the police department said Saturday.

Videos circulating on Instagram and Twitter show a barefoot woman shouting at an officer late Friday night on an unidentified street in downtown Baltimore. In the video, the officer appears to grab the woman’s arm as she walks away from him and she responds by striking him in the face.

Another officer behind the woman appears to grab her arms after the punch, but she manages to land a second blow to the first officer’s face. The second officer then appears to strike her in the face from behind.

The woman then falls backwards onto the street, and the video shows the first officer turning her face and body toward the road. An unidentified man tries to approach the officers and the woman before additional officers at the scene tell him to back away.



  1. And did you see the video in Atlanta where riot cops pulled people form cars and just stared beating on them and tasing them??? This has nothing to do with riots or stress or any other bullshit excuse they try to use to justify why cops beat on people... It is how they are trained, and what they get away with and who they are as a person!!!

    Like with some videos on youtube where people do what they call 1st amendment audits of public officials in their public capacity, all lawful and legal, and soon as a cop sees you with a camera, they come to harass!!! Then you have cops saying, what are you recording for, trying to provoke us? Trying to start something??? NOOO they don't have to, you POS cops will do it willingly and gladly on camera for us, we don't even have to provoke you to break the law and abuse people...

  2. 9:14 You are a propagandist's dream. A pea brain. I don't know if it was in Atlanta but I did see one of cops pulling people out of cars and tazing them. Did you happen to see the part where a caravan had been reported being seen filling up gas cans at gas stations miles away? Many with out of state tags? If you had an ounce of intelligence in that head of yours you would know what you see in a video is hardly ever the true picture especially in situations like this That you allow yourself to be taken in speaks to your very low IQ level.

  3. Northwest Woodsman: These Marxist terrorists are burning down cities and conducting widespread looting and the armchair warriors are concerned about a well deserved punch in the face? With that attitude, this violence will continue to expand. Eventually it will take an armored personnel carrier with a .50 cal to clear the streets.

    1. You sir are a prime example of an armchair warrior. You need to save your energy for this race war that you have been predicting/hoping for (you are pushing 80, right?). It’s your time Northwest Woodsman! Trump has made America great again!! A civil war and the U.S. Army preparing to patrol the streets of our nation in tanks and riot gear. We are finally #1 again!! (For most coronavirus cases and deaths that is). Trump has truly fulfilled his campaign promises. But wait! I thought Mexico was going to pay for Trump’s wall??

  4. Citizens in Minneapolis were shot with non lethals on their OWN front porches one night by the national guard. That's the exact tyranny we should be fighting against, not the fact that you have to wear a mask.

  5. If a woman wants equal rights like they do, then a punch in the mouth is fine for a guy why not her also?

  6. I have not seen the Atlanta video so I have no comment but I have seen the Baltimore video and the officer did nothing wrong

  7. That was great.
    It was less a KO punch but more a statement.
    And the statement was: "We ain't foolin' around here, Mama."
    I think she got the message.

    1. The cop that allowed himself to be hit twice should be on suspension NOT the cop that stepped in for his 🌈 Ass

    2. That thing was NO MAN it was a EBT BEAR.


  8. What do these people want, the Joe Biden hug and hair smell?

  9. And you slaves think a waco, ruby ridge or Kent State can't happen again!!! Yet the NG is shooting people on their own private property not doing anything... But you are a terrorist for standing up for your rights, when EVEN NOW THE POS NG won't!!! I keep telling you no one gives a shit, and until you start doing and eye for and eye or take up guns and protest the streets, you are wasting your time and being a martyr for nothing...

  10. " Anonymous said...
    Citizens in Minneapolis were shot with non lethals on their OWN front porches one night by the national guard. That's the exact tyranny we should be fighting against, not the fact that you have to wear a mask.

    June 1, 2020 at 10:10 AM"

    That's not what happened. Do you belong to any of the north minnapolis FB groups where this is going on? I do. What is happening in these neighborhoods are the rioters are running and going and sitting on complete strangers front porches. The home owners were posting security videos and the door bell ones one after the other of this going on. They were also trying to break into some of the homes, were peeing and crapping in the people yards and using their hoses to clean off and drink breaking in sheds and stealing. The home owners were locked in their homes terrified and were frantically calling 911, begging for help on social media and sharing the videos so people could see what was going in.


  11. If the police are not permitted to protect innocent citizens, and our civilization, who will?

    Cops are imperfect, but they are the first line of defense against criminals and those who would overturn our way of life.

    Rioting, looting, vandalism in defense of a guy with a serious string of criminality, including 5 years prison for armed home invasion. On the night in question, intoxicated, passing counterfeit money, apparently driving under the influence, and resisting arrest. His demise was unfortunate, but he was the main contributing factor. The neck kneel looked very bad, and needs more investigation. But the prelim medical examiner report says it wasn't what did him in. Minneapolis has been solid Democrat mayors since 1961 so the medical examiner passed muster with the political leadership well before this situation.

    It's unfortunate. And we can do better.

  12. The police officer should be promoted. The 'woman' showed her stupidity and ignorance for striking the officer two times in the face and then she won the prize of the day.

  13. I saw the video this weekend and it appear to be justified. She attacked a police officer TWICE and he took it. The BLACK officer that struck her was protecting fellow officers.
    Would they rather he tazed her?

  14. kops only do what the politicians tell them to do. so maybe you need a change of political leadership? cant win it at the ballot box cause nobody wants to see the police eliminated and anarchy run rampant! good luck with all that!

  15. She needed it or she wouldn't have gotten it. If more of those mouthy broads were bitch slapped when the refuse to obey police orders, it might help them get the message that because they are so-called females doesn;t make a bit of difference. They have to take it like a man or stay home and bake cookies.


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