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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Former NFL star warns against the dangers of signing Colin Kaepernick: 'Affirmative action for a Marxist'

Former NFL player Burgess Owens says that the NFL and Commissioner Roger Goodell should not be strong-armed into signing former NFL player-turned-Black Lives Matter activist Colin Kaepernick to a team.

What are the details?

Owens, who is running for Congress in Utah, told Sports Illustratedthat hiring Kaepernick would be "affirmative action for a Marxist."

"If it was a meritocracy, he would be out there anyway," he said. "He would work hard; he would prove himself. He wouldn't be taking someone else's position. We're looking at affirmative action for a Marxist. We're approving their ideology."

Owens said that if Kaepernick comes back, so should former NFL star — and outspoken Christian — Tim Tebow.

"If we're going that route, we should also ask Tim Tebow to come back," he said. "It doesn't matter how long he's been out of the game. It doesn't matter his talent. He was a Christian who kneeled in prayer and was a positive on his team. The reason why Tim Tebow — as talented as he was with the Denver Broncos — the NFL didn't like his essence. They thought he was too distracting ... too distracting to his team and his organization."



  1. Hello????

    Truth is fact.

  2. Doesn't matter to me one bit
    Don't watch the crap anyway

  3. No one should take on this POS!

  4. I wish they would sign him so we could have some entertainment.

  5. Maybe a broken back in the first game

  6. Don't ask how I really feel

  7. People are drop bombing this Marxist shit as if they even know what it is. There are NO Marxists. There never have been. Modern actualized Communism is Authoritarian much like Hyper Capitalism. You have the ruling and compliant groveling wage slaves buying into a dream and a collective cultural " History " that affirms their values beliefs and positions. This current administration and it's boogie man OTHER philosophy of division and bail outs is worse than Roosevelt's New Deal and they are just pandering to their own.
    I haven't been out of work or lost money or drooling for stimulus relief and not looking to either party for any reward or assurance of my status beliefs or values.

  8. So 6:29 assurance of your status and beliefs appears does not get you out of your moms basement much.

  9. Tebow does something positive for someone else frequently.

    Kapernick....not so much....that's why nobody wants him. he is nothing but a sub par player and troublemaker

  10. Kapernick took it upon himself to gain attention one way or another since he clearly isn't anywhere an elite QB that he thinks he is.
    What better way to gain attention than to disrespect the US Flag.
    What did the Flag do? The Flag stands for so many things, yet it has become the symbol of hatred these days, along with the National Anthem. Neither of these things are racist to any degree, but because ONE person decided to take a knee in a public setting for attention...all these other morons decided they would do it to, and the sad part about this scenario is that more than HALF of those morons don't even know why they are doing it .... they just want the same attention given to them. They know that the camera crew is filming the line of players and then the camera crew stops when it finds several of these disrespectful morons kneeling and putting their fists in the air.
    So who is really to blame here? My first answer is the MEDIA. Without the attention that the media provides and puts their own spin on it, we would probably be living in a 'normal' society. The Media is behind so much of this. The Media doesn't give an UNopinionated view of anything these days , only those newsworthy items that will create havoc, unrest, and continue to destroy our country. Nice messages we are sending to the world about how the US is ... the Media is showing the world all of our weak spots and it doesn't take an idiot to formulate a plan to pounce on that ... and then we will be facing another situation like 911.
    I wish that people would just WAKEUP ... but they won't because they are being told what to say and what to think. I for one won't be brainwashed.
    Kapernick totally sucks as a QB and doesn't deserve to be signed by an team in need of a QB ... it has nothing to do with the unrest that he created with his kneeling...he just isn't a talented QB.

  11. The fact is he did not take a stance until he had been benched for poor play. The QB that replaced him was White. Then like so many of those in his generation he decided to play the race card. No one took time to investigate his role in activism for Blacks prior to his benching. It would appear the White man did it to these uneducated entitled shits. The man was making more per year than 90% of all Americans to play a game. Yet he and Adrian Peterson chose to call themselves modern day slaves. White players in locker rooms across this country fear speaking the truth. If they criticize these racist they are named as racist and there goes your future in the sport. I recently watched an interview with the new leader of Black lives matter and he is stated they are not going to back down and it is time for revolt. When questioned on this statement he said by any means necessary. So Americans need to prepare for this. We have seen how that culture acted under a simple pandemic. Owners of businesses Like Joe and many others obeyed the rules of this situation and lost major income. These street thugs did not abide by the rules then wanted to make a virus racist lol. They continued to interact with out wearing mask and gloves. They spent their stimulus checks on drugs and alcohol. The same shit they have been doing for years. As with all human behaviors there are those of all races that did THE RIGHT THING.

    Time for all good Americans to start taking a stand against this attack on good Americans. I guess if they want a war they will get it. It will not end good for them. It will be a set back for this country but imagine the cleansing of the herd. If these idiots behaved like this in any other country they would have been crushed. The non violent protest I have no issue with but the damaging of national monuments and innocent people being hurt has to end. Our children that are having this pressed on them will never be the same. We gave it a chance to work Obama had two terms to show America what a man of color could do running this country. Enough said.


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