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Sunday, June 21, 2020

Chick-Fil-A CEO: White People Should Shine Blacks’ Shoes to Show ‘Sense of Shame,’ for Racism


  1. Well then, I am finished with Chick-Fil-A
    The CEO can kiss my ass!
    I'm not shining anyone's shoes unless I am working as a shoe shine boy!

  2. I have no "sense of shame"

    I am white and I am proud to be white.

    1. You shouldn't have any sense of shame. This whole movement is designed to promote division within society and it is succeeding in doing so. Caucasians should be extremely proud considering we had the balls to found our great nation and the guts to fight and keep it free. The leftists seek to destroy that legacy and most disturbing the right to free speech. I just don't get their arguments and the ridiculous,narrow minded cancel culture. Childish at best.

  3. He don't know what he's done. I've ate my last sandwich there.

    1. He only said it because he doesn't want the animals to burn his stores down.

  4. How about...no, never, not in a million years. I have no shame because I have not mistreated anyone. I owe no one anything due to the color of their skin or mine.

  5. WOW I'm done with them until he GOES.

  6. Most of there feet will not fit in shoes to be shined. Just go all the way and wash them and trim there toenails too.

    I hope you get a grinder to do that because most of them I have been unfortunate to see regular clippers would not cut the mustard.

  7. What the heck is going on? What is happening? Did you hear the man as he is getting his hug? How about some stock in Chick Fil A. That is right. Let's hand out some more free stuff. Instead of one working for it. I don't understand how easy this country is being influenced. If you would like to help? How about we preach the gospel. People need Jesus. It is a walk, a change of life. Morals and Values. How about Daddy's having a part of their kids life. This isn't just a race issue. This is a lack of education, a lack of teaching and a lack of morals and values. A lack of self worth. And the social media lies is alive and working. The people at the top, in control are laughing all the way to the bank. The march of the beast. The system where a very few will control all. We are falling apart worse and worse by the minute. Never have I seen such hate and violence. We are not moving forward. Wake up people!

  8. While he is shinning my shoes he can KISS my ASS 🖕

  9. Hopefully his business will suffer for this stance.

  10. Northwest Woodsman: Pandering to blacks as usual. Guess he wants to be another Popeyes or Church’s.

  11. Hell no!! Wish I read this before I went to Chick Fil A this morning. Would have gone somewhere else.

  12. Northwest Woodsman: Oh, I almost forgot. Does that include washing their feet also.

  13. 2 things that will never happen in my lifetime is me shining anyone’s shoes or me spending another red cent at Chick-fil-A.

  14. 12:34- Too far! You don't have to demean a whole race because some CEO said to clean [THEIR!] shoes. Blacks aren't saying "clean my shoes." Do you have a black foot fetish to always be looking at their feet? Weird comments, Bro.

  15. A sense of shame for what?? Come on people I'm not responsible for anything but what i do. I don't apologize for things i don't do and give trophies because you participate.

  16. I am 76 years old and never treated a black different from anyone else. I treat all the way I would like to be treated. I don’t see myself doing this because I seldom do my own. Oh, when I was a young man I had my shoes polished with what I considered a professional for a quarter. The reason for that was he did a much better job than I did. The man was older and white. It was where he made a living. No, I am not guilty of any crap being passed around today.

  17. I always try to treat everyone as I'd like to be treated; I don't need him telling me what to do and I don't intend to eat there again!

  18. Those that put one race above another are the racist. They will learn the hard way. I will not support racist in any form.

  19. Nobody follows a coward

  20. I laugh every time I see the long lines at Sh*t-Fil-A.


    1. Popeyes sucks. Over priced. Undercooked.

  21. Will you people stop being so easily manipulated by this garbage that gets reported. Just last week he supposedly stated they were donating 1.8 million dollars to anti LGBT campaign. So which side IS Chick-fil-A really on??

  22. I wouldn't even wipe his blood off my boots

    1. 👍👍👍👍 ! Best response ever. You win!

  23. Then he should give all black people free food for the rest of the summer.

  24. Did he say exactly what I am supposed to be ashamed of?? THEIR gutless, gang-banging, criminal behavior? Or the fact that a TRILLION dollars have been wasted on them??

    I grew up so poor I actually wore shoes until they fell off my feet.
    One time, I wore the same pair of pants a whole month. That's all I had. One pair of pants. How many fights do you think THAT caused???
    My stepfather left my mom one day with 5 kids. Never saw him again.
    I WISH someone had told me about white privilege back then.
    Joined the Army at 17 years old.
    I'm sick to death of the "give me MORE free stuff".
    And I'm sick to death of white people telling me I need to kiss the ass of a black person to make them feel better.
    Want to feel better? Stay in school, get a job, marry a good woman and be a man. Not burning down your own neighborhood is also a good idea.
    I do not owe ANYONE. However, if you want to take something from me, well the Army DID, among many other good things, show me how to drop you with one shot from 300 yards out.
    Come and get it. But shining shoes or kissing ace? Not in this lifetime.

    Chick-a-Filet? You just f'd up badly.

  25. No false guilt here...Cathy should be ashamed of himself...this is the second time he has gone against Christians and I had already Stopped eating at Chic fil a ...I urge ALL people to Leave them now...


  26. He must have shifted into SlowJoeBiden mode upstairs. It was just a short time ago that his inherited business was the massive recipient of love and business because of their business principles. What changed in this guy?

    His suggestion is tone-deaf, wrong and will cause continuing injury to employees and franchisees as super loyal customers weigh his goofy comments against their beliefs, and make purchasing decisions accordingly. This won't be pretty.

  27. No more chic fillet -what a dumbass this guy is

  28. 12.57 Hug A Thugs Foot! And while your at it throw some straps around another statue Bro!

  29. Oh my. And now the right wingers will turn their backs on their beloved Chik-Fil-A. Careful now. There won’t be any place left for you to eat that won’t offend your delicate sensibilities. And you call liberals snowflakes. LOL.

    1. At 2:57 p.m. it is not delicate sensibilities. It is solid core ethical principles.

    2. @2:57...we have a right to stand up for what we believe in just like you do. That includes supporting or boycotting establishments. Get over yourself.

    3. We have a right to stand up for (or boycott) an establishment that doesn’t support our beliefs and values, just like you do. Grow up snowflake.

    4. The day I let, (or anyone should let) some rich CEO, a pandering politician, moronic social justice warriors, or domestic terrorist groups (BLM or Antifa) guilt trip me into believing a delusional progressive agenda, Hell would be ready to host the Winter Olympics.

  30. I’ve spent my last dollar Chick-fil-A. I’m sure this will affect many of their soon to be former customers the same way. Their sales will plummet quickly. This idiot just killed the golden goose.

  31. No way, I have nothing to be ashamed of or apologetic for. I worked hard and long and struggled to make good life for myself and family. ANYONE AND EVERYONE has the possibility to make something of themselves. Do not make others feel they owe you anything because you failed to make something of yourself. The blame lays with you. period

  32. Hey kids, the ONLY way Chic fulla shit will care is if WE # TAG BOYCOTT em' It sure works for the left! Otherwise all these comments we make are USELESS!

  33. I ate one of their chicken sandwiches once, because a co-worker was collecting lunch orders and I was hungry. I was not impressed, to tell you the truth. I was impressed that the company was closed on Sunday for religious purposes. Not so much, anymore. Maybe Mr. Cathy should re-read Jeremiah 13:10.

  34. Bullsh*#... All caps.

  35. I have no sense of shame over anything. Never did never will. This is why my life is perfect. I don't dwell and I tell others to not dwell either. Dwelling causes stress stress causes poor health. I have not of that.
    We won't go there anymore not that we went a lot. I never liked the food to begin with.

  36. " Anonymous said...
    Oh my. And now the right wingers will turn their backs on their beloved Chik-Fil-A. Careful now. There won’t be any place left for you to eat that won’t offend your delicate sensibilities. And you call liberals snowflakes. LOL.

    June 20, 2020 at 2:57 PM"

    We have plenty of options. Don't ever ever worry about us. You aren't on our level. You are beneath us and don't you ever forget it. You should take some lessons from us though in having principles standing by them and being consistent. You would be a better person for it and don't you dare ever forget that either.

  37. I hope he has fun doing it. When is he going to do it first?

  38. I'm done with this crappy place forever!

  39. As this gets around, they will ultimately lose 50%+ of their business. My house was good for about $50 a month at Chick-fil-A. Not anymore. Plenty of other good chicken out there. Like many big companies, they have totally lost touch with reality. They figure we are a captured audience so, they cater to the dregs of the earth to get their money too. Well, they figured this very wrong.

  40. I call Halle Berry !

  41. Good intention or not, this will surely tarnish ChickFilA’s gold star for many moons to come. Interesting how corporate America thinks virtue signaling is still the way to go when on all fronts it’s failed miserably. See Starbucks and Target. People generally want this man to shut up and make chicken sandwiches. Frankly with Popeyes chicken sandwich being infinitely better, he should really follow that advice and be thankful he has a business that appears to be thriving .... at the moment.

  42. i go where i can afford and what i like, i don't go there because they have gotten so expensive for what you get. I can go to popeyes cheaper and feel full after i eat, or i can pay more and still feel hungry. Welp if i have to choose it will be Popeyes for me.

  43. The majority of his customers are white and if they keep spending money in that expensive hell hole then it proves they White Cowards! This goes for all of you Wicomico County Sheriff's Deputies that go there every morning for breakfast.

    1. It is Chick-Fil-A
      Not expensive

  44. He is an IDIOT & can go to Hell !!!!

    Got news for him & any other > ALL whites today OWE Nothing to any
    other Race, Black or any other !!!
    We were Not even born in the slave days & have NOTHING to do with it
    Don't Paint us with a Broad Brush , as ALL Whites are Bad !!
    By the way NO Blacks or ANY other alive today were born during the slave days, so Nobody OWES you anything Period !!!
    Whites, by the way by 98% or more , Fought the WARS of the world
    time & time again & SAVED ALL the Good people of ALL Races !!!

  45. He Don't Speak for me or any other WHITES in MY America !!!!

  46. Fbi should doing a search warrant on his computer I bet he has some interesting searches.

  47. I’m done with Chic fil a, as I am with Nike, Starbucks, Levi’s, Ben and Jerry’s, NFL, NBA, Camping World etc... all the other liberal snow flake companies.

  48. all they care about is making money. They 've made millions during the pandemic. When their employees test positive they don't shut down, they clean a little, make the other employee s keep working and making them pay 5 for extra masks. Now that s in Florida. Not sure how they are operating locally.

  49. Can't wait to see the shoe shine stand in the chic fil a

  50. He needs to EAT More Words than Chicken !!!

    These idiots need to stay OUT of Politics & be Thankful they have a
    Successful Big Business pulling in Alot of $$$$$$$ from WHITES !!!

  51. Must be Democrat !!

  52. Why did chick-fil-a cross the road?To kiss blm ass.


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