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Sunday, June 21, 2020

Another Ocean City Boardwalk Fight


  1. Well RICKIE? Greetings from Ocean City no less.

    I sure hope those closed circuit cams were worth my tax dollars.

    1. Where is Charles Bronson when we need him. A vigilante on every block for a few nights will cut this shit out

  2. This is insane... what in the world is going on in ocean city?

  3. That was from 10 days ago, not this weekend

  4. When I left work at 4am this morning

    there were hundreds of black males (in groups) walking around

    seemingly looking for trouble

    I've never seen anything like this in Ocean City before

  5. This makes me sad for humanity. This is how trash handles problems. America needs some class. Badly.

  6. Payback by the white man , 💪

  7. There you have it people ! It's not fun in the sun and french fries anymore.

  8. Filthy Hippie! They gonna love him in the penitentiary

  9. Oh but they arrested a smoker last night! Progress!

  10. Well wait a minute- this is a family resort.

  11. I would have knocked him out with a slip and right cross.

  12. Hahaha Rickie...this is so sad. When one of your namestay businesses (Alaskan Stand) has to close because of patrons not being nice. Dude you have a sh*storm that isn't going away.

    City Fail indeed.

  13. Rickie...we know you read here....and we know you read Ocean City Cool on FB. So many "families" canceling their years long tradition of coming to town $$$$$$ since the boardwalk debacle cannot be handled.

    Your legacy bub.

  14. Beat up an old guy what a punk

  15. The guy being attacked should have never let go of that punk's hair. That is why the military keeps their hair cut short because your hair can be used as a handle. The guy who tried to be civil and break it up gave the long haired POS an advantage and them he kicked both their assees.

  16. I heard the fight in front of Tony’s pizza where the kid got hit with the pole last night the kid died? Any fact to that?

  17. What are the police and mayor going to do with this bull$#it...it will be a long time before I go back to OC...ask trump for help

  18. Dam, somebody got an ass whipping!

  19. Holy crap... that looks like a much older man getting the snot kicked out of him....this craziness HAS to end!!!

  20. The Nogs killed a kid on the boards last night

  21. Welcome to the world where police are in route the long way and I don’t blame them. In this current hate climate. If the cops got their tazed or went hands on a crowd will form and scream at them. Now police aren’t showing up and people are crying. To bad. I’ve been cursed, spit, punched, kicked, shot at and lied on more times then I can count over 20 years. I’m so happy the blue is finally saying screw it call the bloods or crips. FYI police can not boycott or protest according to federal law.

  22. Hey you ghetto spawn infecting Ocean City, You are not welcome here. Go back to whatever s*#@ hole you crawled out of and die young.

  23. Hey, looks like OC's going after a new target market. Hey, ya gotta have diversity! Lets see, the new OC will have family "action" games like "Can dad get his family from the inlet to 9th street" All in 1 piece? Or how bout "Dash or death" where any member of your family yells "ALL LIVES MATTER" at the line of people at Thrashers, and whatever members of the family that make it safely back to the car without getting your head bashed in.....Well, they get to live!

  24. 7:53. Yes 24 years old. What a shame.

  25. That girl needs to put her shirt back on.

  26. Anonymous said...
    That was from 10 days ago, not this weekend

    June 14, 2020 at 3:26 PM

    So what, Douche Bag... It's another fight on the boardwalk.

  27. White Hoody said...
    When I left work at 4am this morning

    there were hundreds of black males (in groups) walking around

    seemingly looking for trouble

    I've never seen anything like this in Ocean City before

    June 14, 2020 at 3:40 PM

    I saw them as well. I'm locked and loaded because those cowards can't fight one on one, it has to be an attack from the mob.

  28. Anonymous said...
    This makes me sad for humanity. This is how trash handles problems. America needs some class. Badly.

    June 14, 2020 at 3:46 PM

    This is what happens when Liberals control our education and prison systems. This is what happens when Liberals control our towns and cities.

    Time for another Mayor and Council. Get rid of the RINO's like Matt James.

  29. Anonymous said...
    There you have it people ! It's not fun in the sun and french fries anymore.

    June 14, 2020 at 4:05 PM

    It's foreigners, blacks, thugs, fights, murders, robberies, etc.

    Hopefully tourists will read this and change their minds. Ocean City is overpriced and overrated.

    #OCMD #OceanCity #OceanCityMaryland #BoardwalkFries

  30. Anonymous said...
    Filthy Hippie! They gonna love him in the penitentiary

    June 14, 2020 at 5:07 PM

    dey gone ride dat boi doggy style, pull dat hare an smack dat a$$... he gone love bubba wallace. hope he be havin dem tongue rings... umm, umm, umm, dat gone feel goot when bubba be pullin dat hare.

  31. Anonymous said...
    Oh but they arrested a smoker last night! Progress!

    June 14, 2020 at 5:31 PM

    Good, now arrest the rest of the criminals.

  32. Anonymous said...
    Hahaha Rickie...this is so sad. When one of your namestay businesses (Alaskan Stand) has to close because of patrons not being nice. Dude you have a sh*storm that isn't going away.

    City Fail indeed.

    June 14, 2020 at 6:26 PM

    *Alaska Stand, get it right Douche Bag. It's not the original Alaska Stand anyway.

  33. Anonymous said...
    Beat up an old guy what a punk

    June 14, 2020 at 7:15 PM

    Yep, happened to me to.

  34. Anonymous said...
    Rickie...we know you read here....and we know you read Ocean City Cool on FB. So many "families" canceling their years long tradition of coming to town $$$$$$ since the boardwalk debacle cannot be handled.

    Your legacy bub.

    June 14, 2020 at 7:09 PM

    Yep, I talk to Rickie Boi all the time just being nice. He is a typical Libtard that just doesn't get it.

  35. Anonymous said...
    The guy being attacked should have never let go of that punk's hair. That is why the military keeps their hair cut short because your hair can be used as a handle. The guy who tried to be civil and break it up gave the long haired POS an advantage and them he kicked both their assees.

    June 14, 2020 at 7:38 PM


  36. Anonymous said...
    Holy crap... that looks like a much older man getting the snot kicked out of him....this craziness HAS to end!!!

    June 14, 2020 at 9:53 PM

    Yep, the punks know they have the age advantage and always want to fight older men. Another reason for older white guys to get CCW's.

  37. Anonymous said...
    I heard the fight in front of Tony’s pizza where the kid got hit with the pole last night the kid died? Any fact to that?

    June 14, 2020 at 7:53 PM

    Was he white or black?

    1. Hit with a pole...... what ever happen to duking it out, shaking hands and going home. Turds have turned into savages. Sure you can pack for protection, but that won’t help if a coward blindsides you.

  38. Anonymous said...
    What are the police and mayor going to do with this bull$#it...it will be a long time before I go back to OC...ask trump for help

    June 14, 2020 at 9:25 PM


    Just like we all saw in the H2Oi videos where the police were outnumbered. Clearly the Mare and Police Cheef knew damn well this was a problem and refused to get help for the low staffed police agencies offering mutual aid. All Rickie Boi or the outclassed police chief had to do was call mutual aid from Sussex, Worcester, Wicomico and other police agencies and they refused to do so. Just think, police officers and families, the Mare(Rickie) and Council, as well as the police chief, are putting your LEO families in harms way by neglecting to act. I talked to the Sheriff's and other police admin in surrounding towns and counties and they were never asked to be on stand by or even requested for Mutual Aid. They are complete failures and this includes Matt James and Mark Paddack, supposedly conservatives and knowledgeable in public safety. Fk them! They are failures so we need to vote them out of office ASAP. Someone mentioned a Recall on another thread. We can do that. If someone initiates it I will be the first to sign up and assist in getting more signatures.

  39. If Rick Meehan doesn't have enough sense to call a State of Emergency then he needs to step down or be recalled.

    There is a need to reach out to the Governor to call up the Guard. This way they can be put throughout the boardwalk and side streets. It is the only sensible thing to do until we get a real Mayor and Council in office to run the town as appropriate as it should be.

  40. I also was just reading that the guy who was beat up pretty bad on the boardwalk...while others watched .....died? Would love to know more about this and if this is true....

  41. Ocean City will soon have the look and feel of Baltimore.

  42. 844 - soon? You just wake up from a long slumber?

    (kiddin cuz I care about my City).

  43. Not enough police at these hours. They need quick strike police groups . At first sign of fight taze em and haul em. Let the judge figure it out.

  44. Someone must know the girl with the hair!

  45. Northwest Woodsman: Ocean City was once a great, family oriented place that was fun to visit and one didn’t have to fear for their safety when walking around in any part of the city, including at night. Now everyone lives in fear and for good reason. I don’t live there any longer, however the formative years of my life were spent on the shore and in Ocean City. All that has been ruined and all of us know the source of the problems and violence. Is it too late? Can Ocean City be saved from the savages and marauders? I doubt it unless honorable, decent citizens are willing to stand up to the menace. Do it now or forever live in fear.

  46. Put Lt. Dennis Eade back as night patrol shift CommanderJune 16, 2020 at 1:23 PM

    What O.C.needs is to assign Lieutenant Dennis Eade back to night shift
    Commander .

    When Lt. Eade was on nights before....this crap did not occur

  47. There isn’t enough money in the world that would get me back on that Boardwalk or anywhere in OC. The place is a cesspool of garbage at this point. No need to waste your hard earned money going to that bastion of idiocy and ignorance. Thanks but no thanks.

    1. Good then. One less @sshat to worry about.

  48. where s that racist, disgusting energy and rhetoric now? smh. solutions, deflection and embarrassment. White trash at its finest. can give it but can t take it when the spot light is shining on your own. where s the write up bout white boy who shot someone. kinda looks like him in this video


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