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Sunday, June 21, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Erasing History

I understand that it seems like the right thing to do - Send statues of Confederates, slave owners, military hero, etc. into the river or on to the ground or into oblivion by defacing, but I still have to ask - If by doing all these things are you not erasing your own history? As disgusting as aspects of our combined history might be... bondage, slavery and all that it implies is still (even though unpleasant) part of our heritage. We need to remember how bad it was. If you remove all signs of it, will the next generation remember that it even happened? Will the next generation ask questions like "How can this be true - there is nothing to mark these events/" I know you may be offended by these monuments and resent the era they represent, but to eliminate them is to eliminate the price paid by the people who lived it.


  1. Of course it will still be remembered- they will never stop whining about how their history of oppression is the reason they cannot possibly be successful now. Why white people have to be taken down a notch, and apologize for the sins of their ancestors.

  2. US history is taught in schools. The removal of statues doesn’t erase history. It removes the honor bestowed on the person or event represented by the statue.

    1. The US History being taught today is a revisionist history, in many cases, and does not come close to telling our national story. When the monuments and other public recognitions are gone, there will be no one left to ask about participants in our past, good and bad.

    2. @2:50 that was well stated.

    3. They do not teach "history" as most of us know it. What is taught today is 'propoganda'! If you have kids take a look at their so called history books and see if you recognize it as being what you were taught...nothing near it!!

    4. Even what I was taught about history 50 years ago did not tell all events and atrocities. Taking down monuments doesn't do a thing. How about we erect a few more monuments to add to history of this great country?πŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

  3. I'm disgusted with this whole farce! How can anyone ever learn, if we're just gonna erase history? How are things EVER gonna change if the exact people that are pushing this warped narrative are the same people that vote in mass EVERY election year for the same CORRUPT democrat Mayors, council members, senators, congressmen, etc that represent the very towns, and cities that have these problems!!! Most of these democratic politicians have been in office for 20,30, even 40 years, saying over & over THEY were representing YOU, and THEY were gonna bring jobs into their cities, THEY were gonna rid the city's of corruption, etc yet for YEARS, not only did they NOT even attempt doing this, THEY. themselves are corrupt, and THEY are the ones taking 100's of dollars from corrupt unions and doing NOTHING! Hey, blacks, latinos, and those on the fence that normally vote left, WAKE UP! Quit accepting the bullshit talking points, try talking RATIONALLY to a conservitive...you may be surprised! We bleed the same color blood you bleed. We love our familys just like you. We may not agree on how to do everything, but we DO agree on many issues. And for ANY REPUBLICAN POLITICIANS reading this...Get off your flat asses, and GO INTO THE CITY'S, and don't be a candy ass...Listen!!!! That's all it takes. If people hear you, and you actually DO what you say, you mat just be surprised!

  4. Yeah they will, through school. I mean honestly, did half of you even know where these statues were or who they were of before they were torn down?

  5. I just want to say I have never seen a child admiring the statue of a confederate general or a slave owner.

    1. I have seen them admire democrats of 150 years ago thou. :)

  6. History is not erased it is taught in schools and found in books.

  7. If you are upset about a slave owners statue being removed you are either 1) a racist or 2) a pigeon

  8. Part of our heritage? Statues are meant to glorify, memorials are for tragedys. We don't have a statue of the 9/11 bombers or those who led the trail of tears...we have memorials. If that's the way you want to preserve history with a statue then make it representative of the transgression.

  9. They have holocaust memorials in Europe, not statues of nazi generals.

  10. Military hero? They were actively trying to leave the union. The same United States that you say must be stood for during the national anthem. Yet we refer to those who tried to leave the union as heros?

    1. They were just as American as you and me.

  11. 12:32 just because you're not smart enough to understand systemic racism doesn't mean it's fake. Look up redlining, it's a simple enough concept. Tuskeegee experiments.

    1. Is systemic racism better than plain racism? Axing for a friend

  12. I mean, statues aren't the only way to learn about history. There are entire curriculum's dedicated to it in school.

  13. Northwest Woodsman: The reason for the destruction is that the Marxist playbook includes not only overloading the welfare system and ruining our economy but also to destroy our culture and history. Read about Cloward and Piven strategy and Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals. The Marxist democrat party is using these step by step and successfully implementing them for our ultimate destruction. They began with infiltration of the education system and indoctrinated our youth toward Marxist philosophy. This is why you are seeing white kids involved in this third world style of violence. They have not been taught any positive information regarding our history and system of government. The Nazis also promoted their policies through indoctrination of their youth through organizations like the Hitler Youth or Hitler Jugend movements. Marxist democrats appear to have studied the doctrines of the Nazi party and are, in some ways, attempting to mirror them. Difficult times ahead folks, better prepare yourselves.

    1. Absolutely this is from the book but so many people don't pay attention or from some reason they believe it's a conspiracy theory.

  14. More importantly, will the next generation be able to ask, “How fo we make sure this never happens again”?

  15. Give me a break. Marxist this, warped narrative that. Tearing down a statue isn't erasing history it just pisses closet racists off because their hero's have to live in history books where they belong.

    1. That's a stupid comment. Why are we building new places of interest and erecting new statues(Harriet Tubnman)
      Which is our history also. The good and the bad come together, that is life.

  16. Try asking people what they remember about the riots of 1968. Most reply nothing because they aren't even aware of the riots.

  17. 12:47. The history books are being re-written so that they are politically in line with the marxist agenda. Read a current high school textbook. I have a nephew who is one of the ones doing the re-writing. Your children will never know the truth growing up. They are being indoctrinated in ways that you can not imagine.
    In destroying Confederate history, they also deny those black southerners who participated in the war, acting in many capacities up to and including fighting for the Confederacy. Few are aware that there are black members of the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy. Fewer are aware that Jefferson Davis offered to emancipate the slaves in return for British and French recognition of the CSA. History and the Civil War could be very different had that occurred.

  18. Everyone keeps saying it’s taught in school...are they teaching about the 54th Massachusetts regiment? That monument was vandalized. If you don’t know what it is look it up.
    And it’s a lot easier to write out certain parts of history if there are no physical reminders. Germany wrote the holocaust out of their history books for years after WW2. I’m not saying I agree with monuments of some of these people, but where’s this end? Saw a Thomas Jefferson was ripped down. Is Mt. Rushmore next? Defacing the the tomb of the unknown soldier in Philly? Really?

    1. A statue of Abraham Lincoln is being removed from public display in Boston. Did you ever think BLM could convince Boston to do that? They must crack up laughing every time they pull something like that off.

    2. Do you mean Honest Abe? That is low say it ain’t sooo.

  19. 1:42 okay, let's go with your Marcist conspiracy rant. Now all the information you just provided...how will I learn that from a statue of Robert E Lee?

  20. 1:51 what statue did you learn all that from?

  21. First the racists lose NASCAR now you're tearing their statues down. God forbid they close Applebees!

  22. Feelings this, opinions that. Unless you are large/in charge from a society political standpoint, all we have is feelings and opinions.

    Those in charge are making the rules. Careful when you sit back and let someone else drive.

  23. 1:51 and the US writes agent orange, the killing of democratically elected leaders in Chile and Venezuela out of theirs, whats your point?

  24. If you really want to pay tribute to "military heros" of the confederacy do what they tried to do and leave lol

  25. Oh the irony of stupid people claiming that schools are the enemy.

  26. That plaque wasn't history, it was propaganda. If it marked a battle site or a historic event, then there'd be an argument. But it was the celebration of a CSA traitor who was responsible for killing four times as many Americans as Osama bin Laden did on 9/11 (without actually mentioning at all the fact his prison camps killed 13,000 United States soldiers). He never stepped foot in Salisbury. That sign never should have been placed at the courthouse.

    1. Are they going to replace it. I am hearing a big black and beautiful George Floyd will be put there in that location.

  27. " Those ignorant of the past are condemned to repeat it "

  28. Let me ask a Question, why aren't we taking black Historical Statues down?

  29. We have not learned from our history as we should have. We are heading headfirst into another Civil War. If you don’t see that you have a severe case of blindness my friends. May the best armed survive.

  30. 2:11...did you read my post? I don’t disagree with the point that some of these statues shouldn’t be in place. Can you tell me what the 54th Massachusetts regiment is and why in today’s climate it should be defaced?

    2:20...not sure where or when you went to school but that stuff was in my history books.

  31. So when is the trip to Africa leaving so we can charge reparations for all of the Africans who sold their fellow Africans into slavery? Better denounce that continent while we’re at it...wait...that doesn’t fit the narrative does it?

  32. One of the very first things the Khmer Rouge did in Cambodia was to destroy the statues and temples. Then they proceeded to slaughter 30 percent of the population. Communist playbook.

  33. "I understand that it seems like the right thing to do - Send statues of Confederates, slave owners, military hero, etc. into the river..."

    If you think this is the right thing to do then you are a weak, stupid a$$ Libtard!

  34. Open the comments back up on Culver taking down the Winder plaque.

  35. Gotta say I’ve changed. If you try to put yourself in another person’s shoes it helps. How would you feel to see monuments to those who fought to continue the subjugation of your race ?

  36. The Africans caught and sold their own people into slavery. I say we remove any reference to Africa. Ban the Black Panther movie.

  37. Erasing White History & Christianity in America 2020 > Thank the

    Democrats & their DEEEEP STATE !!!! Ran by Clinton Foundation !!!

  38. Blacks can't Erase that Whites Too were slaves in the world, NOT just
    them !!!

    So Get over it !!!

  39. PLenty of ALL Races were Slaves back in History !! NOT just Black !!!

    & by the way NO Black or any other ALIVE today in America was a Slave

    WE had Nothing to do with it NOR are we the Blame for ANY of it Period

    People who were Not even born back then Don't OWE any Blacks or
    anyone else ANYthing , so STOP the Hate generation after generation !!!

    Don't Paint with a BROAD Brush !!!

  40. Some claim it's "honoring" which is asinine. I guess they think Auschwitz in Poland then is honoring Hitler and the Nazis. It is history and with history comes the good the bad and the ugly. To move the sign is doing a disservice especially to children most of whom never get to a museum.

  41. Just stop.

    Ya'll are changing the argument again. This is not about erasing history, that is just a straw man you built. You don't want to address the real reason there is an outcry to remove these monuments, so you changed the argument. It is a dishonest tactic.

    Ask yourselves... how many British flags are flying around? British Statues? That is part of our heritage also, right?

    This is not erasing anything. It is righting a wrong that should have happened years ago. Many of these statues and monuments were not erected right away, rather they were put up during the fight for civil rights as a reminder "you are not equal".

    The confederacy lasted four years. Barak Obama was in office for eight. How does this make a heritage? That's right, it doesn't.

    Just stop with this "erasing history" and "it's our heritage". These are all excuses to justify leaving up monuments that represent atrocities to citizens who live now.

    The confederates were losers. They lost. They would be branded terrorists by us today. They were fighting to keep slavery and run the economy on slavery. How is this even a discussion?

    Think like this. Satan is a big part of the Christian mytho's right? If Churches started putting up statues of Satan all over the place there would be a lot of questions as to the intent and purpose... it wouldn't make sense. Neither does keeping the Confederate monuments.

    Historical monuments, erected DURING the Confederacy MIGHT be covered under the guise of historical relevance and importance. Any erected after the case you would be hard pressed to defend under your premises.

  42. All. Lives matter people .......

  43. Take down MLK then !!! Nobody will have any statues then !!!!


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