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Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Candace Owens Shuts Down AOC’s Attack On Kayleigh McEnany: “You are stupid, incomprehensibly stupid”

Kayleigh McEnany held a press conference yesterday at the White House said President Trump was “appalled” at the defund the police movement and she named and shamed a few “sitting Congresswomen” who were backing the movement.

She mentioned Rashida Tlaib and “Biden advisor” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as two that are backing the movement.

Politico’s Jake Sherman tagged AOC in a tweet that said McEnany said “from the podium: ‘Biden adviser Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.’”

AOC was not happy and snapped back without having watched the full press conference and accused McEnany of racism for not calling her Congresswoman.

AOC then got all arrogant and embarrassed herself saying she would “look forward to her apology.”

“@PressSec wouldn’t be the first person to mistake a women of color for having a lower position or title than she does, but Kayleigh – in case you haven’t picked up a newspaper in two years, I’m a Congresswoman,” AOC tweeted.



  1. AOC is really good as a weather vane. When the wind is in the right direction, you can hear it whistle through her ears.

  2. I wish she would run for president

  3. ouch! love Candice! having spent lots of time in other countries, I know no other country affords the opportunities to so called people of color that this country offers them. are we perfect, far from it. however no other country provides the opportunities for success that the USA does if you just happen to be a person of color. it you are not successful then the only person you need to blame is yourself. It's called get off your ass and work at it. aoc proves this, even if you are stupid you can still be a member of congress! you just need to work at it!

  4. Please AOC keep shouting to defund the police because single women and women with children and the elderly will not vote democrat in November.

  5. She's already toast in her own district. With luck it'll be burnt toast.

  6. Imbecile barely covers it.

  7. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to upset AOC.

  8. Soon to be FORMER Congresswoman.

    Wake up those in her district. We are continually laughing at you.

  9. I'd guess a vast majority hasn't picked up a newspaper in 2 years, are they even a thing anymore.

  10. Biden wants her to be his VIP (V.P) !!!! LOL LOL

  11. Someone should direct the thugs to her house. They are too uninformed to know who this piss ant is

  12. AOC needs to go back to the bars and lap dance on old men

  13. AOC is so smart, she shipped her personal stuff to the state of Washington when she won the election.
    She has said that she and her friends have been exposed to the virus after serving hundreds of "Corona" in glasses and bottles.
    She is Biden's VP pick, both together have a total IQ of 55

  14. 541 - I wouldn't pay. Nasty woman.

  15. Make


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