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Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Governor Hogan To Speak At 5 PM Today

Hogan, Open ALL Restaurants & Bars 100%. The virus was bogus!


  1. Not no cohonee hoagie

  2. He is a RINO POS.

  3. Oh now you all believe the virus was bogus, not becasue scientific data, commonsense and history proved it, but because you heard it in the news finally? Again, you all are some really good slaves... Hows that business working out for you?

  4. Is this for real? I sure hope so.

  5. No it wasn't bogus. I had 2 friends who died from covid here in Salisbury.
    You seriously need to take that down and cut your inflamatory lies out.
    But no one expects any better of you.

  6. Not going to happen. Lockdown Larry loves the spotlight. Can't eat a pizza in a restaurant, but protesting no problem. They be no small businesses to save by the time this yo-yo does the right thing.

    1. He eats real good as you can see he is eating a lot of his wife's Fried rice n egg rolls.

  7. I will not listen to his Bull$hit again , he has moved to the far left and does not get my respect . He is by far the reason we have had riots in OC and the capital of MD. , Baltimore and other cities. The cancer has affected his ability to use his brain , if he has one. I'm hoping he will resign soon .

  8. Now in two months when this virus whips around amd infects everyone i cant wait to see all the posts saying how terrible hogan is for reopening. Cause your all the same people who wanted hogan to shut off the bay bridge. You all rely on the government way to much.

    1. You are drunk. Or an idiot

    2. 5:49
      I feel sorry for you that you still cannot see clearly. The US Government ran a drill on us. The virus was a scam.

  9. Dems keeping black people down X 60 yrs.

  10. 4:27
    I believe you believe you have 2 friends who died of COVID-19.

    However, I am also aware that hospitals were paid $13,000 for every person they treated with COVID-19.
    Therefore, I do not believe you have 2 friends who died of COVID-19.

    But I am sorry for your loss nonetheless.

    1. You are correct. This is clearly no worse than the flu of which flu numbers were down 50% the last time I checked

  11. Is that Jeb Bush in the background? Wouldn't surprise one bit.

  12. He wants YOU to Pay Maryland (taxes) Not the other way around !!!!

  13. Boss Hog !!!! Dukes of Hazard !!!!

  14. He s a whole Pos. Salisbury made the national list of most affected top 3 in Wall St article. He walking around not acknowledging the problem on the Eastern Shore. Guess not he's getting all the monetary benefits of our high numbers and spreading it on the western shore providing crumbs down here. Letting Ocean City make up for lost revenue waiting for it to kickback to the western shore.


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