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Wednesday, June 10, 2020

President Trump Just Posted This


  1. The vast majority of Americans do not even know what Bragg, Hood, etc. base names mean. Especially with the state of our education system. Young people have never been taught about these men. This is just smoke and mirrors. Another way to “ give it to the man”. All about power and control, nothing about justice.

  2. Wow! He makes a strong argument for support of civil war era ideology, and glorification. Making it hard to believe our president doesn’t have a lil dash of racist in the mix. As if “the Fort ....(formally fort Bragg ) couldn’t show the history.

  3. Stop bowing to these ASSHOLES.

  4. Can anyone even IMAGINE obama, cortez, pelosi, schumer, or ANY democrat saying THAT???

    God bless America and all those who stand up for this great country.

    TRUMP 2020

  5. Biden will do it in January.

    1. He will forget how to stand on two feet by january.

  6. Trump and all you Trumpkins including Moscow Mitch are in for an ass whooping in November.

    1. If you are voting biden. Let me be the first to say....ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...

  7. Replies
    1. Dumb Dumb Trump

    2. 604
      .....change your shorts like you change your sex daily

      You Freak

  8. Fabled being he key flaw in that statement.

  9. 3:31

    So are the Soros checks coming in regularly troll?

    1. No troll, just a black man that thinks it’s time to stop glorifying civil war era ideology. If these men served for the US Army as well as confederate, I can understand the argument. Why don’t we have statues of King George ? The fight was not about the common people, it was elites fight for free labor on the backs of my great-great-great grandfather( not that long ago!) I don’t do political parties, both controlled by globalists. And news flash George Soros isn’t the only former nazi, demon causing havoc, I don’t like that scum, or the other competing factions. Trump gets caught up in the political party bs charade game, and doesn’t know how to think before he types on Twitter, or better yet, sometimes just shut up if you don’t have anything constructive to say. He’s done some good, but he ruins it because he’s a pompous ass, sadly.

  10. This "offends" but Planned Parenthood doesn't? How does that work? PP was formed with the sole intent to kill black babies so the race would be eliminated. Talk about hate the founder would have taken every black she could have gotten her hands on, lined them up and put a bullet right between their eyes if it were up to her. Of course she didn't do this because it would have been dangerous for her so she came up with the next best thing to kill blacks. Sucking those black babies right out of the womb she though would eliminate the black race. She died happy with her plan because she felt she had controlled the blacks population.

  11. I say NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Do not change any names of bases or take down any statues. Tell the few who don;t like it to STFU !!!!

  12. That's why we love him !!!!

  13. Ha ha ha you keep watching those polls....ha ha ha popularity doesn’t win elections....electorals do!!! How quick you forget 2016!! Trump / Pence 2020.....Republicans don’t do polls.....we vote!!

  14. There’s one common denominator with these thugs, same as with the rioters đŸ¤”Something OC never used to have to worry about. Smh.

  15. Northwest Woodsman: Finally, an example of someone brave enough to stand up to the totally unreasonable demands to further destroy our culture and history. Proud of you, Mr President. About time someone told the bed wetting marxists to go pound sand. Let’s keep it up and start promoting our agendas for a change. So here is an idea. With billions being thrown around in failed efforts to satisfy these malcontents, let’s start a fund for relocating these people to places like Liberia, Uganda, Somalia, Kenya and other third world hell holes they seem to be so enamored with. Why go to the effort of destroying our country and turning it into a third world country when there are so many already available? Some have great weather and nice beaches too.

    1. How about you go back to Germany or Ireland or wherever your ancestors came from, unless you are Native American, which I doubt judging by your continuous racist whine sessions.


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