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Monday, June 01, 2020

After death of George Floyd, Maryland lawmakers forming work group on police reform, accountability

Maryland House of Delegates Speaker Adrienne A. Jones announced on Saturday the formation of a bipartisan work group of lawmakers who will review police reform and accountability.

“Policing in America is broken,” Jones, a Baltimore County Democrat, said in a statement. “While we have taken a number of positive steps in Maryland, we can’t be satisfied until every citizen has confidence in their police department.”

The work group will be chaired by Del. Vanessa Atterbeary, a Howard County Democrat. In the announcement, Jones and Atterbeary, who both are black, noted that they are mothers of sons.

“The events around the country this week have underscored that we cannot wait another day,” Atterbeary said. “We need structural reform ideas from the community and law enforcement to fix this problem in a collaborative way.”



  1. What a waste of time this isn’t a training issue it’s a personnel issue ... raise the standards to become a police officer . These same idiots have been lowering standards for decades

  2. Another work group AFTER the fact.

    Reacting to something rather than being PROACTIVE for implementation.

    Resourcing is always the issue.


  3. Truthfully I don't know how the police can put up with the ghetto dwellers day in and day out and not go off. I watched the local body cam of that filth camrin and that POS "mother" of his and both deserved to have a foot shoved up where the sun doesn't shine until they choked to death. Both have never and will not ever serve any useful purpose It's is so typical with that culture the disgusting woman know how to spread them legs make them babies with multiple thugs but are not intellectually capable of raising them properly. animals raise young better.

    1. I love all the libutards posting against 8:31. Typical shorebillies who have never lived in any city. Never had to live with these model citizens. You must be a JEW who come down from your white picket fence on the hill. Throw your money around pat them on the head. But run up the hill before the sun goes down. We were there when the sun went down. But that's okay. You all are going to find out how wonderful they are in the months to come. Wicomico county is becoming a SHITHOLE. Let's see how you react when your kids can't go outside without getting jumped. Or your daughter continuously gets harassed for sex by the boys in the hood. Or even raped.

  4. Maryland, what a joke. How about these liberal lawmakers get a group of dummies together and reform themselves. Untie law enforcement so they can protect the citizens. Instead, they do the job they are charged with and get charged themselves. You keep on and no people will apply for the position leaving us lawless. Don’t jump in on me with brutality, there are coworkers of your own that you bitch about in other occupations. Nobody is perfect. Give the good people the tools they need and back them up.

  5. The old liberal Knee jerk maryland reactation right on time as usual..gotta be something else we can tax deny or chase away. The only way to fix md democrat stupity, is to move.

  6. So. While cities all over the country are burning, and f#&king bottom feeding scumbag, Thugs are beating, stabbing, and shooting at law abiding citezens, looting stores OUR elected officials are PRIORITIZING police reform, and BOWING to these ANIMALS! COME ON MAN!!!!! This is NOT a racial issue, an asshole cop killed a guy that was holding fake money....Period! The medias pushed the race card, and look...Hope they're happy! Theres NO excuse for this behavior!! Hey GOVERNMENT...How bout representing US, the law biding citezen, the small business owner, whose ENTIRE lives are being stripped away! Ya wonder why over 16 MILLION Americans own AR 15's...Look at these ANIMALS on TV....THATS WHY! We're good, honest, hardworking, law abiding Americans, and we AREN'T gonna continue to stand for this...Our government owes these "Thugs" NOTHING, you owe US, the law abiding person what we pay you for!!!

  7. The effort, another playbook that Trump abandoned/defunded

  8. Accountability? Lets talk accountabity...Where's ACCOUNTABILITY on these punk THUGS that are destroying our cities, and Nation! Our politicians, and media are doing nothing but throwing coals on the fire of racial tension! They are creating hate, and tension, everytime they have the IGNORANCE to call these punks "Protestors", not TERRORISTS! They say "WE need to come together"...WHAT?? Are they high? WE'RE trying to come together, but THEY'RE tearing us apart!! The media, and Hollywood are paving a DANGEROUS road by not CONDEMMING this behavior!

  9. Here we go again with that BULLSHIT again. How about telling the blacks to stop acting like thugs?? How about stop teaching RACISM in your homes, churches, and neighborhood?? Watch a white walk through a black neighborhood. See what happens. Compared to a black walking through a white neighborhood. Then tell me who the FRIG ARE THE RACIST'S.

  10. 8:10 you would not believe the number of people I grew up with that now have a badge and a gun and definitely should not.

  11. 8:31 you sound like you need some help. I wouldn't consider you any greater than the person you described in your statement. Hate and divisiveness like you spew are the reasons for many of the worlds problems.

  12. Joe, why even let trash like 8:31 on your blog? Don't you moderate this or do you agree with them or what?

  13. 8:31 trash has no color. Clearly as you can see in the mirror every morning.

  14. AOC said that all the cops need to have their guns taken away and givin Nerf pistols. She is writing a bill now with her crayons and note pad from her work as a Bar waitress to get this done.

  15. She just wants attention, since she is not calling for an end to these rioters criminal behavior or tightening up laws on rioters / ANTIFA and these other ANARCHIST.

    She ids a Democrat who will not criticize their sponsors of violence, since a proper investigation will show it leads to George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, all their entities they fund and the Democrats

  16. Goal of the Group:

    Establish procedures so cops will stop murdering citizens

    1. Add to that goal for cowards to stop creeping and sneaking up to cops and put lead in their head. Bet you never thought of that one. Oh, one more procedure. Have cops carry cuffs on their person and not on their writs. That’s right, untie them to do the job you pay them to do. Etc.,etc.


  17. We've all seen enough Westerns where some thug/bully/bad guy/gang/criminal is terrorizing the town and there is no one to stand up to them. Eventually a sheriff/marshal/good guy/posse take on the troublemakers and restore normalcy.

    If the politicians are choosing to make the police timid, the criminal element will take that foot and make it a mile. Major swaths of larger cities are already there.

    There is not an endless supply of people without criminal records who aspire to be cops in circumstances like Minneapolis, Baltimore, Chicago, NYC, LA, the 'bury.

    Lawless people of all ages, sizes, colors create the need for cops, not the other way around.

  18. " Anonymous said...
    8:31 you sound like you need some help. I wouldn't consider you any greater than the person you described in your statement. Hate and divisiveness like you spew are the reasons for many of the worlds problems.

    June 1, 2020 at 10:23 AM"

    I don't need any help It's you that needs the help and a lot of it. Your problem is you hate the truth The truth burns you up That thing called a "mother" raised a thug That is the absolute truth Look at his record for proof. If you find the truth Hateful and divisive then that is on you and speaks to what a poor job whoever raised you did. The major issue with you people is you enable criminal behavior and when called out for your despicable disgusting ways you hide behind the truth and holler hate and divisiveness. Typical of your type


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