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Monday, June 01, 2020

Rioters appear to have murdered a man defending his shop from looters in Dallas Tx

This Sh!t Has To End! Foul language. GO HERE to view.


  1. So lets utilize the facial recognition software...if out after "curfew", peaceful or not after that time you are part of the problem.....ALL STIMULUS must be paid back to Govt., Unemployment payment STOPS!!!...that keep these people inside!!!!

  2. Killed because he’s white ... this happens to whites everyday in black inner cities but the media doesn’t report it

  3. He is not dead and he is not a shop owner. You might want to do some research before you make a post.

    1. But he got the part right where a bunch of thugs attacked one lone man tho right? 🙄

    2. Nope. He was wielding a sword at rioters, so they defended themselves, and there were of them. The guy didn’t die, nor was it a shop owner, nor was it unprovoked. So all around, awful, biased reporting.

    3. He was not trying to hurt anyone unless they were vandalizing or looting. He was trying to save his community from the ruin.

    4. Erin
      You skipped right over the part where multiple people beat ONE man. Justify that for me Einstein

  4. So, next time some idiot asks you WHY so many Law abiding Americans own weapons...well just look at TV, and there ya go. Law abiding Americans are tired! We're tired of being called racists, we're tired of being called Nazis', etc. But most of all, we're TIRED of our elected officials, Hollywood, and the Media COWERING to these PUNK TERRORISTS, while telling US the WE need to come together....WHAT??? Got news for ya...WE ARE TOGETHER, and we're getting real concerned that WE'RE not being represented, and you dont want US to take the streets!


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