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Sunday, June 21, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Rainbow Flag

Can someone please tell me why Delmarva Power in Salisbury is flying a rainbow flag? And I still don’t understand why Salisbury’s new logo has the rainbow on it. Are we just an LGBT community now?


  1. It is a symbol of human demise.God save us

  2. Trust me when I say a lot of people are not happy about it,especially the line crew guys

    1. They will be woke and wearing Ruth's if joke day gets involved

  3. Replies
    1. Yeah, need a bucket to puke in.

  4. This month is Pride Month.

    1. What about White Pride, maybe they will fly Confederate flags next month

    2. cracker they ve been flying that flag for centuries everyday and you are still not satisfied? uggh. Everyday is white pride day. Wake up!

  5. Yes, your Mayor has decided to degrade Salisbury to this level.

  6. it's pride week or month or something. What this really means are they are people who have no self worth and no self esteem. When you have to try so hard to prove you are proud of something it means you have no self worth and no self esteem.

    1. @8:46 am can you rewrite that please.

  7. Joe I have a follow up question, why are people so offended by a flag? Probably the same people who fly the "confederate" flag which isn't even the true flag of the confederacy!

    1. 8:47 Not sure. Kinda like they’re offended by Christians and conservatives.

    2. @847 am, at least the Confederate Battle flag was real and is a part of American history!!

    3. Yes for 5 years and were also defeated by The United States 🇺🇸. Your an idiot.

    4. It is offensive because the rainbow symbolizes God, not LGBT. Everytime I see it I think of the promise never to flood the earth. Not LGBT. Get your own individual symbol at least. Don't steal one from another religion. Plus since when do we fly a flag that represents only one kind of person. I thought this was about equal rights. Do we need to have a different flag for each month to make sure we celebrate everyone? Fly the American flag and shut up. This country is going backwards, not forwards.

    5. Not offended just sick and tired of every group shoving their agenda down my throat but would have a complete meltdown if I demanded the same. And quit making assumptions about people you know nothing about 8:47. Generalizations about a certain group are ridiculous and show your closed mindedness.

    6. just like every group is tired of the white agenda and ways of life being shoved down ours. Now you know how others feel. Welcome!

    7. AnonymousJune 17, 2020 at 11:56 AM
      Yes for 5 years and were also defeated by The United States 🇺🇸. Your an idiot.

      If you're going to call someone an idiot oh, you might want to make sure that you're not one as well. "You're an idiot"

  8. Things are happening because the Mayor and few others are so far up the liberal lefties ass they cater to them. They could care less about anyone not so far left. They are afraid the thugs will riot and destroy our town if they didnt give in to their whining and there oh whoa is me attitude. Get Day and his cronies out of office fast before our town gets worse than it already is.

  9. Good, only 13 days until a return to another no pride month.

  10. Newsflash conservatives, seeing a rainbow flag doesn't make you gay.

    1. 8:58 No one said it did. Reading comprehension skills need work.

    2. No, just discusseded!

    3. Then what's so bad with the Don't tread on me flag. The confederate flag? Such a hypocrite. Most people think the civil war was about slavery. It wasn't. It was about money. The south was making money and the north was jealous. They just teach now it was all about slaves. We have slaves today. Minimum wage earners are slaves, illegal immigrants are slaves. J1 students are slaves. People out here on welfare marching for their rights, you are a slave and being used to cause discord while the rich keep getting richer.

  11. It's fine if you hate it, there are far more people in this country who support equality.

    1. You don't support equality. You support your life. If you supported equality you wouldn't hate a Christian. You don't see people flying cross flags and shoving it down everyone's throat.

  12. This is disgusting. Maybe we can encourage the rioters to come here and burn the city down. But, then again, Day would sell it to his buddies to rebuild it.

  13. 8:58 Not true. Where’s the Christian flag?

  14. Hidden danger of the rainbow.a symbol of hate intolerence and flipping off GOD and his truth and path we should be following.

  15. 8:47 you need to learn your history. The Confederate Flag as it is known is a true Confederate Flag. This Flag, the NAVAL JACK, was flown by the Confederate division on their boats in the Mississippi River, along the Gulf Coast and other waterways. There is about 4 different Flags flown by the Confederacy according to the detachments and areas. Just like every State, County and City has a different flag

    This happens when people do not know the history of our great Country.

    This comes from INDOCTRINATION in our educational system.

    1. And re writing of our History books which are now digital. Most people don't even know or care about history. They just repeat stupid stuff they read on instagram.

  16. You want to remove all history about the Confederacy because it offends people.

    Well this flag and all innuendoes on LGBT offends me bu our discriminatory Socialist Politians force their beliefs on other people and it is OK. Why is that?

  17. transgenders @ Salisbury UniversityJune 17, 2020 at 9:51 AM

    Oh My god...

    are you telling me those fat hunks on those Power trucks are Bi ?

    mmmmmmm, kisses guys .... see you soon...... MUHAH

  18. I'm not offended. I just pity anyone who thinks so low of themselves that they have to try and prove they are proud. It's not what people with an ounce of self confidence do. It really is indicative of a major mental problem. They see themselves as worthless and live in an imaginary world of their own where they see rejection and disapproval when there is none

  19. June 17, 2020 at 8:47 AM
    The confederate flag is history,
    The rainbow flag is a mental illness

  20. Real question is why any group or race afforded a special month. Seems it only adds to this notion that everyone is equal but separate which is a contradiction in itself. For example, Morgan Freeman thinks they should do away with Black History Month:


    1. My point exactly! They want equally but demand separatism. I don’t want to see a rainbow flag or any other flag that promotes any special group.

  21. Gays have perverted the rainbow which God used as a representation that He would never flood the entire earth again.

  22. Companies do it out of fear of bad press and lawsuits

  23. Anonymous said...

    Newsflash conservatives, seeing a rainbow flag doesn't make you gay.

    June 17, 2020 at 8:58 AM

    News flash sjw virtue signaling weirdos. Confederate statues cannot come back to life and ruin your safe space.

    1. Oh for crying out loud who said it did? I’m secure in my beliefs are you? Seems like you have to prove something by parading yours. Grow up.

  24. 8:58
    And seeing a confederate flag doesn't make you racist.

    Or is the dumbocrat libtard double standard at play yet again?

  25. I really don't care about the flags but the claim that it's because Sby is so inclusive and diverse is BS. They don't put flags up for any other group whether it be religious, ethnic or culture. The words of local Jermichael Mitchell on FB speak to this===

    "Mitchell Jermichael Why not Haitian Flags for Haitian Flag day or Red Black and Green Flags for Juneteenth, And Flags of other cultures to show support of inclusion?"

    Day and Company are looking to divide people and many are getting wise to it! There is now outrage over local blacks not included in the street renaming decision.

  26. 8:46 it's pride week or month or something. What this really means are they are people who have no self worth and no self esteem. When you have to try so hard to prove you are proud of something it means you have no self worth and no self esteem

    Hmmm, interesting....so any person or entity that displays Army, Navy, Marine Corps flags, has no self worth and no self esteem?


  27. The LGBTQ flag represents not only equality but acceptance. Businesses and communities who display this are letting the LGBTQ population know that they accepted and hopefully, in a safe space.

    Throughout history, there have been such symbols.
    Exodus 12:13 God passes over the doors marked with the blood of the lamb; sparing the occupants and especially the first born son; of perishing from the plaque

    A lit lantern hung outside homes and establishments to help slaves get to freedom safely

    A red door on a home, was to let a tired traveler know that house was available to welcome them.

    Sad that there has to be such safety symbols and that all people can't just be kind and accepting of others.

  28. 2:48 Totally different. The military are heroes so are to be honored.
    So sorry about your bad luck in having such a low IQ that you don't understand.

  29. It was done by Day Glanz and the rest to divide people. Just like the street renaming. Ideas hatched by the local white "woke" self described social justice warriors to cause division within the community. That SOB's (and sons of bitches is putting it nicely because the truth is only garbage would raise something like both Day and Glantz either are nothing to be proud of and their mothers heads should drag the ground in shame over what they raised ) use their position to divided is disgusting and Thank God the pieces of worthless crap are now starting to get called out for it.

  30. when does the heterosexual flag fly?

  31. 3:37
    If you say so

  32. With a bisexual mayor and a les acting mayor it’s obvious why the rainbow flag flies in Slumbiry.

  33. Enough Flags !!! We don't need any more !!!


  34. " Anonymous said...
    If you say so

    June 17, 2020 at 4:42 PM"

    You are exactly right. If I SAY so then it's SO and don't you dare ever forget it Understand! 2 plus 2 is 5 made more sense then your asinine comment trying to compare rainbow flags with military flags! Military flags are to honor rainbow flags are for people who have no self worth to feel better about themselves. PERIOD!

  35. Flags are symbols! the lgbt flag to me sybolizes a flag of hatred, division deception, lies, confusion and a flip off to GODS PLAN! Personally I have no business being involved in anyone's sexual orientation that's between them and our maker. So really it doesn't bother me what you do in the privacy of your own home. what does bother me is you insist on pushing your RELIGION on to us all demanding you be recognized for what you are. So what!! Dont care to hear about it

    So why are we not following the seperation of church and state? We no longer can say christmas unless its void of any GOD reference..so In my book LGBT is a religion a luciferian religion. because it goes against GODS law of nature.. and Everyone knows you can't fool mother nature. But your fellow religious zealots sure do try to fit that square peg into a round hole.
    So Take your flag month and stick it.
    FYI.. I dont hate you i love my gay friends, family and you..i just dont like being told what i need to bend a knee for oe recognize. i know who butters my bread of life and it is no man or women. So no i will not salute that flag. It needs to be burned in protest!!

  36. Flags are symbols! the lgbt flag to me sybolizes a flag of hatred, division deception, lies, confusion and a flip off to GODS PLAN! Personally I have no business being involved in anyone's sexual orientation that's between them and our maker. So really it doesn't bother me what you do in the privacy of your own home. what does bother me is you insist on pushing your RELIGION on to us all demanding you be recognized for what you are. So what!! Dont care to hear about it

    So why are we not following the seperation of church and state? We no longer can say christmas unless its void of any GOD reference..so In my book LGBT is a religion a luciferian religion. because it goes against GODS law of nature.. and Everyone knows you can't fool mother nature. But your fellow religious zealots sure do try to fit that square peg into a round hole.
    So Take your flag month and stick it.
    FYI.. I dont hate you i love my gay friends, family and you..i just dont like being told what i need to bend a knee for oe recognize. i know who butters my bread of life and it is no man or women. So no i will not salute that flag. It needs to be burned in protest!!

  37. Funny how pride month falls right after mental health awareness month which is May. It's not a coincidence. No such thing as coincidences.

  38. And why didn't they have flags for BLACK History Month! That thought never crossed the racists Day and Glanz's minds. The ONLY reason they came up with the idea to rename the street was because they were trying to get back at people on this blog. They didn't bother to get any input from the black community. That is racism at it's highest level. You can't get anymore racist then that. They totally disregarded the black community. And done on the same week as they hire another white for the Day administration. Having a diverse administration is being inclusive and not some fake street renaming.

  39. All of you bash Jake Day! and I agree with all of you but either you idiots voted for him by an overwhelming number or was the election fixed AGAIN! Personally I believe the later may be true. I don't even know the man running against him but one thing I do know is that I think he would have done a better job that this thing we call mayor and that includes this one just like him that is now in charge. The city of Salisbury will continue to go downhill until you get a more conservative leader!

  40. As it was in the days of Lot.

  41. Gay flags offend me, it is my right to tear them down, right ANTIFA and BLM?


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