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Friday, May 15, 2020

Wicomico County Executive Announces Wicomico County Phase 1 Reopening

In accordance with Governor Larry Hogan's Phase 1 Reopening Announcement, Wicomico County will reopen in accordance with the associated Executive Order. Wicomico's reopening will strictly adhere to the guidance provided by the Governor's Office, especially regarding social distancing and protective masks. A copy of Interpretive Guidance Covid 19-14 dated

May 13, 2020 is attached for reference.

Wicomico County government facilities will reopen to the public on Wednesday, May 27, 2020. Further information will be provided to the public regarding hours of operation, occupancy restrictions and social distancing guidelines.


  1. I wonder if I could identify as a dog and get my hair cut?

  2. I'm afraid I need to wait until the MD-DE border officially opens as well...

  3. Huh?? Pawn shop has been open all along, didn't know they closed.

  4. Who does he think he is. I don't believe he has the right to restrict your freedoms. No right to tell one individual you can do this but tell another you can't. Shame on you Maryland.

    1. This is what Dems have brainwashed the Obama POS x 10 yrs.

  5. "Anonymous said...
    I'm afraid I need to wait until the MD-DE border officially opens as well...

    May 15, 2020 at 12:57 PM"

    The border is open Always has been. What was advised to NOT do was to go into MD or DE and stay for any length of time. IN other words they didn't want people from NY etc who have 2nd homes in the area to flee from those areas and stay here and possibly overwhelm our hospitals. I'm in MD but shopping in DE is closer for me so I've been doing it the whole time and not been asked once why even though local police are stationed throughout all the open retail in DE

  6. 2:04, is the cigarette outlet open yet? I'm tired of paying double!

  7. Anonymous said...
    2:04, is the cigarette outlet open yet? I'm tired of paying double!

    May 15, 2020 at 4:34 PM

  8. idiot! my dog can get a hair cut but I can't? wtf is wrong with these fools?


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