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Friday, May 15, 2020

White House Fires Back At Hillary Clinton Over Claims Trump Admin Is Trying To Move November Election

Failed 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton tried to fan the flames of conspiracy Wednesday, tweeting out a warning that senior Trump White House advisor Jared Kushner was part of a team exploring the possibility of moving the November presidential elections, and now the White House is firing back.

Kushner responded to a question from a TIME Magazine reporter Tuesday, asking whether the White House was exploring the possibility of delaying the November election out of concern over coronavirus. The White House, of course, has largely opposed Democrats’ plans to create an entirely by-mail voting system, forcing Americans to cast their ballots and send them to state election officials, who have never processed millions of ballots at one time.

“When asked if there was a chance the presidential election could be postponed past November 3 due to the pandemic, Kushner said that isn’t his decision,” TIME Magazine reported.

“I’m not sure I can commit one way or the other, but right now that’s the plan,” Kushner replied, indicating that the White House had no current plans to ask Congress to move the election.

Although it went unreported, Kushner’s comments continued, making it clear the White House had no plans to ask for any future shutdowns, let alone of voting systems: “Hopefully by the time we get to September, October, November, we’ve done enough work with testing and with all the different things we’re trying to do to prevent a future outbreak of the magnitude that would make us shut down again.”

Leftists on social media took Kushner’s comments as a warning signal that the Trump administration was, in fact, exploring the possibility of delaying elections.



  1. And how does she know when she couldn’t run her own successful campaign?

  2. No one should ever care what Hillary or any other Clinton has to say. She is the scum of the earth.

  3. Trump SHOULD put out there:

    "The election will be held off until the whole country has been FULLY opened for a least 6 months".

    That would get those Dem governors off on their ass.

  4. This broad should go back to the woods or wherever she disappeared to for a good period of time. Now after all the crying of tears and embarrassment this nasty mess is out sniffing again. Bet she is kissing up to old Joe Joe. She is wasting her time because neither will enter our White House again. Thank goodness.

  5. I got a mail in ballot today for the MD. primary on June 2. Are they gonna allow voting in person?

  6. This 3rd Hillary is the best one yet.


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