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Friday, May 15, 2020

9 Classic Movies You Should Watch During COVID-19 Quarantine

Classic movies stand the test of time, with characters, themes, and even dialogue that could go toe-to-toe with those of any modern flick.

Maybe you have some in your Netflix queue, or on a watchlist, maybe even a DVD rack—or if you’re really “old school,” in a cabinet full of VHS tapes.

You’ve been meaning to watch them, and now, stuck at home under quarantine, you’ve got plenty of time to do so.

That said, here, in no particular order, is a list of nine classic films you should watch.

1) “Ben Hur” (1959)

When the Civil War ended, Lew Wallace, an officer-turned-author, probably could have written volumes on the things he saw during the conflict between the Blue and the Gray.

But the work that would etch Wallace into history was set in a place very far away—Roman-occupied Jerusalem—in a novel called “Ben Hur.” It would later be adapted to film. Viewers follow a Jewish prince (portrayed by Charlton Heston) from the fire and waves of an ancient naval battle to a chariot race. (Move over, “Fast and Furious.”)

Ultimately, his adventures leave him bereft of true satisfaction, and in his searching, he finds his own story intertwined with an overarching narrative that would alter world history. 

Aside from delivering Heston’s thundering performance, the film showcases perhaps the best practical special effects of its era.

2) “Rear Window” (1954)


  1. I highly recommend The Rear Window. Haven't seen it in years but like all Hitchcock productions it's a study in understanding complex psychological characters.

  2. Nope. Watch them princess bride”

  3. Have seen them all...good choices!

  4. Fast Times at Richmont High

  5. Little known epilogue to "12 Angry Men", the kid was actually guilty but got off because of one liberal do-gooder juror.

  6. The Good The Bad and The Ugly

  7. I would have added Napoleon Dynamite to the list. Just saying. Geez


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