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Tuesday, May 05, 2020


Worcester County, Ocean City Maryland, that's where! While the quarantine actually worked and the positive rate and death rate is the lowest in the United States of America for a beach resort, I know, let's go out and tell everyone we're ready to open the beach and boardwalk. 

Keep in mind, Ladies & Gentlemen, we may have numbers that are a hell of a lot higher BUT we'd never know because the deaths and positive tests very likely were credited to other states like NY, NJ, PA, VA & DE and NOT Maryland. Hence my multiple posts on out of state tags.

So if you're a parent who just can't take it anymore, kids driving you nuts and you just have to get out of the house/town, Ocean City is by far the safest place to bring the Family. That is, until the area is bombarded with tourons bringing the virus here in droves. 

Oh yeah, when you get here there won't be a restaurant, hotel/motel, restroom, or rides, just a beach loaded with people retaliating against our Governor's orders! Remember, Hogan has NOT lifted his order to shelter. 

"Ocean City, Maryland Mayor Rick Meehan said when the beach and boardwalk opens this Saturday, police will not be enforcing the town’s local-only mandate."

Mayor Meehan has made a vital mistake and ALL of the news and information I'm getting on this reopening is coming from Baltimore news sources. I'm starting to think the bars being closed for so long is really getting to the Mayor's mental state of mind.


  1. States is spelled wrong in the headline...

  2. You are wrong. We are adults and fully comprehend the consequences. Go Mayor Mehan!

  3. This Really pisses me off that you people are listening to our government they lie to us!!!this is an attempt to soften the populace for the transition of the hope and change that was promised under the Obama administration and was assumed would continue under Hillary. Well since she lost the election it appears it doesn't matter. This is a direct route to and enslave us destroy the constitution bill of rights and you ALL ARE CHEERING!!
    MARK my words this crisis was intentional. Who will swing for it?dont hold your breath. We are still waiting for hillary and the traitors of the democratic party to be brought to justice.
    What needs to be done is.. GOVERNMENT GETS OUT OF THE WAY. Its obvious they are incompentent, useless slow blundering idiots. They Protect us from squat!!!open up and live and let live. Live free or die...Taking a risk? It is your choice. The amount of stupity will reveal itself this weekend. I think it will be a dissappointmet to all of you hoping for mass destruction.

  4. Keep it up and NOT promoting MAGA or MOCGA will rapidly turn the traditional OC into a has been. I predict the next top (real estate) destination will be Fenwick and OC falling to last. The result will be BOTTOM prices for OC real estate that this crisis has caused not in the home market but as well in the commercial markets. If your investment see no effort to protect THEIr investments., its GONE.

    Time to move one.

    PS: I already moved to Fenwick!

  5. Remember what happened before Easter. They all came down here and emptied the shelves at both Food Lions and Acme. Same thing will happen this weekend. Go out and get your groceries tonight. Good luck, Locals.

  6. Thanks again Joe for your service. We are lucky to have you.

    To answer your question...since I live here, my vacation spot is Key West FLA.

    You misbehave on or around Duval St down there ..you vanish and the fun continues. No crap is tolerated. Different area indeed AND still the USA...but their version of City Hall exactly knows how to run a business. The right way or the highway.

    Maybe one day here.

  7. In two articles Sbynews published by me, this was actually my point. We have, for now, a low rate for the virus. Now, from most of the comments, people could care less if 250 known carriers came to town shopping in local grocery, convenience or beer stores. They want to greet the virus with open arms! Like I have said watch and see our incidents of the virus are going to go up drastically!!

  8. The numbers are fake!!! The hospitals are empty. They are classifying all deaths as covid because the hospital gets more money. Wake up!!!

    1. You are a moron and clearly do not work at the hospital.

    2. @ 9:48. This entire Eastern Shore is full of MORONS!

  9. This is going to leave him in a lot of legal trouble. He first said beaches open. Then said only locals. Then said "police won't be enforcing"

    So anyone from NY, NY, Western Shore who comes here, when all a sudden the beaches/boardwalks are crazy and police are forced to start arresting people, they'll have every right to sue. Hey, you said you weren't enforcing and your rules are confusing.

    1. Arresting people for walking the boardwalk and releasing criminals in prison, makes sense to me.

  10. 6:40pm, quit spreading bull* you just made up. PRMC has tons of Covid patients and getting worse, so do all of the other MD & DE hospitals. Speak with someone who works there.

    1. That is a lie. They only have 12 COVID patients at the current time. That is a FACT

  11. This is so typical of the Mare. He’s so far overdue to be put to pasture. Bad enough he’s crooked, now obviously can’t think straight as Joe says with his watering holes closed.

  12. This is from WBAL-TV: https://www.wbaltv.com/article/ocean-city-will-reopen-beach-boardwalk-on-saturday-coronavirus/32371701

  13. This just in, from the governors office.....Anyone wearing a MAGA hat, or any clothing promoting freedom, or patriotism will be asked to leave, or pay an ADDITIONAL $25.00 entrance fee.

  14. "Anonymous said...
    6:40pm, quit spreading bull* you just made up. PRMC has tons of Covid patients and getting worse, so do all of the other MD & DE hospitals. Speak with someone who works there.

    May 5, 2020 at 7:06 PM"

    If you are being told by "someone who works there" that there are "tons" of Covid patients in any local hospital----they are lying to you.

  15. Question - Who is considered OK to visit OC? I live in Salisbury, am I OK? How about people that live in Easton or Annapolis? Are they acceptable? This is just silly...

    1. NO! And how dare you even ask!!! You are not part of the "chosen ones"...Now, enough of your outbursts! Gett back to your homes, and don't come out till WE, the "Island Elite" deem your tax dollars nessesary!.....Go on now!

  16. 9:22 now that's some funny shiz there I don't care who you are..The governor has no power Just try. Hogan hasn't enough money to to to court on that one

  17. OC's gone to hell the past 15 years. Every summer it seems like the inlet and boardwalk are more like the "Block" with nothing but wanna be ganstas hanging around!....NO THANKS

  18. Most of the people who will come to OC are adults , they know what's happening . They have been warned about the virus . I wish the mayor would open all businesses including hotels bars and the like . If people get the virus then let them roll , they have been warned . I also hope that the entire state and country open all businesses . I now believe that the danger of this virus is second to the danger of the political BS going on about it . We don't know what to believe and neither do you Mr. Albero .
    It has also taken a racial turn that blacks are more vulnerable to the virus , that is also BS . Blacks live in and near the cities that is the reason they get the virus , however I will say that in Baltimore they have been wearing masks for years when the rob and steal.

  19. Corona City, Maryland !!!!


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