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Tuesday, May 05, 2020

DOJ Sides With Chincoteague Church Suing Dem VA Gov. Northam

On Sunday, the Department of Justice took the side of a Virginia church that is suing Virginia Democrat Governor Ralph Northam because police threatened the church’s pastor with jail time or a substantial fine for holding a service on Palm Sunday that was attended by a mere 16 people.

On April 5, police served Kevin Wilson, the pastor of Lighthouse Fellowship Church on Chincoteague Island, a summons, despite the fact that the 16 people in attendance at the church that holds 293 people were observing social distancing guidelines. “State officials said Wilson and the church violated the Virginia Constitution by breaking state-imposed social distancing restrictions intended to stop the spread of the coronavirus,” Fox News reported.

Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel, representing the pastor, accused Northam of discriminating against the church and violating the First Amendment.



  1. Expect nothing less from the luciferian left..keeping us apart fits right into their idealogy. Seperating us from the truth of HIS light into their darkness

  2. Another back-woods Mayor and Police Chief.

  3. The Blackface wearing governor needs to be hung!


  4. In the event the Oath of Office includes a pledge to defend and uphold the US Constitution, Gov. Coonman could face removal from office if he loses the lawsuit. Let's hope so!


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