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Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Amid COVID-19, Illinois Seeks Bailout of Fiscal Crisis ‘Decades in Making’

Those who would be most harmed by a $40 billion federal bailout of the state of Illinois are the people of Illinois, a Republican state senator says, because such an aid package would reward and reinforce irresponsible behavior by the state’s politicians.

“The people of Illinois are hurting,” state Sen. Jason Plummer, a Republican who represents Illinois’ 54th District, told The Daily Signal in a phone interview. “We have high sales taxes, high income taxes. People are being forced to leave the state, and now they want to bail out politicians’ mismanagement.”

Plummer stressed that the financial mismanagement in the state long preceded the economic hit that Illinois and every other state have taken from the COVID-19 pandemic that shut down the economy, resulting in plummeting tax revenues.



  1. The reason people are leaving is your state has become a liberal give me its some white ancestor who had slaves fault 200 plus years ago. I say bail chi town out with more heroin and guns and purge the city and then the rest of the state.

  2. HELL NO!!! GO BANKRUPT YOU already wasted tax dollars..NO MORE FOR YOU

  3. Hell no, Illinois has always been a poorly run place, NO BAILOUTS for any of them.

  4. When the President declared the national emergency democrat governors all over the country didn't hear national emergency they heard gravy train. This is why so many are milking this with the ridiculous stay at home orders and shut downs. They want federal funds handed over so they can dole them out as they see fit. Of course the money won't end up actually helping anyone truly in need. it will go to to the well connected where it will disappear into thin air with nothing to show for it

  5. I say give them the money. If they don't, all those thugs will leave and come to one of our cities to spread their mental disease.

  6. Every State needs some printed currency since they have unfounded pensions. That alone bankrupts them.

    Everything is set up now for a dissolution of State Governments and merger into a Communist Super State (new Soviet Union of States).


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