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Tuesday, May 05, 2020

“We’re Tired of Your Lies!” – Protesters Gather Outside of Massachusetts State House Demanding Governor Reopen State (VIDEOS)

Protesters on Monday gathered outside of the Massachusetts State House demanding the governor reopen the state.

Demonstrators were also protesting the authoritarian mask mandate that takes effect on Wednesday.

Dubbed the “Liberty Rally,” the protest, promoted by conservative radio host Jeffrey Kuhner, was planned in the event Republican Governor Charlie Baker didn’t reopen businesses on May 4.

Governor Baker extended his state’s stay-at-home order until May 18 and signed an order requiring Massachusetts residents to wear masks in public.



  1. Good for them.
    If we don't stand up for freedom we will die on our knees.
    Many of us are already dead.

  2. Im with them this is a hoax. A 1984 nightmare coming true..get in line with the party mantra or else your marked...this is just another luciferian ploy to further divide us from the truth. The mark of the beast is breathing down our necks.. the corvo tracers should send shivers down your spine..

  3. The covid numbers are lies. Nursing homes need to have extra care but for everyone else the chance of death is minuscule.

  4. "Anonymous said...
    The covid numbers are lies. Nursing homes need to have extra care but for everyone else the chance of death is minuscule.

    May 5, 2020 at 8:08 PM"

    Over 50 percent of the Covid deaths in NJ are from nursing homes and other long term care facilities. NY over 30 percent at this point in time but that percentage is going to grow when officials "discover" more victims from nursing home like they did today-1700 more On Delmarva the poultry processing plants are the hotbeds. When this is all over we will find almost all the deaths and the majority of those who got sick but recovered had a connection to either a long term care facility or the poultry industry.

  5. Natural selection. Why don't the commentors above us prove us wrong and go get infected. You'll be denied medical treatment since it's just a "hoax". If you really think being told to wear a face covering is the same as a government outlawing free thinking you must have a very narrow thought pattern.


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