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Tuesday, May 05, 2020

K–12: Ten Lies Teachers Tell You

Hopefully, no one will forget our debt to Rudolf Flesch. He was a great man with a great mind.

Almost forty years ago, Flesch published Why Johnny STILL Can't Read, wherein he continued his crusade against Whole Word (AKA Whole Language, Sight-Words, and other aliases). In this book, Flesch attacked the Education Establishment and its counterfeit merchandise in a unique way. He pointed out that all the things the professors assert most loudly and proudly are nothing but alibis — a polite way of saying lies.

Has there ever been a field, in all of human history, that could be best defined by its alibis and lies? And not just a few of them. There are ten big ones. Identifying and illuminating them are where Flesch's genius shone.

Our Education Establishment, in its dedication to falsity, is almost superhuman. After all these years, these people are still pushing the same inferior theories and methods. Their gimmicks are disproven by almost all research and experience. These faux reading experts can do nothing but build a case on lies.

The Education Establishment tells these lies because its partisans know that the public wants desperately to believe they are true. The educrats are happy to let you have your illusions, as these are the intellectual basis for their dumbing down of America.



  1. The dumbing down of America was done deliberately.
    Right out in the open.

    The American population has been carefully mind controlled since the advent of the Tell-a-Vision.
    Hollywood (Druid Magic using the holly tree branch) is a part of military intelligence.
    It is widely known and can easily be verified.

    We are being told lies and people are being murdered by the government.
    Wake up.

    1. 7:21-Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

      What glue have you been sniffing?

  2. My daughters teacher said that a creepy old man touching you and smelling your hair is normal.

    Teacher has a Biden 2020 sticker on her car too!

  3. The lees they know, the easier it is to control them with just platitudes and trinkets.

  4. 1) It's for the Children
    2) It's for the Children
    3) It's for the Children
    4) It's for the Children
    5) It's for the Children
    6) It's for the Children
    7) It's for the Children
    8) It's for the Children
    9) It's for the Children
    10) It's for the Children


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