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Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Biden Struggles to Read Off His Notes, Loses His Train of Thought (VIDEO)

What is wrong with old Joe?

77-year-old Joe Biden on Monday struggled to read off of his own notes and lost his train of thought.

“So workers don’t have to leave work to get uh, to be fired in order to — when they get sick to be able to continue to live,” said Biden as he read from prepared notes.



  1. High Desert DawgMay 5, 2020 at 9:15 PM

    NAW,that's just Good Ole Joe! He's just....you know....Joe. Great guy, just ask Nancy!

  2. No way will he consent himself, to debate Trump.

  3. Is that the best dims have?

  4. Always assume the women is telling the truth in an assault case because they don’t lie about that period and kavanah should be investigated by the fbi. If the fbi clears him then his name should be with drawn - I don’t know Tara and it never happened it’s not true it’s a lie period. Joe Biden

  5. High Desert DawgMay 6, 2020 at 2:07 AM

    Hey, he's the "A" team baby. Let's watch "Good ole Joe" shine. Hey, according to the latest Polls 7 out of 5 Dems stand behind him lolol

  6. The elites obviously want Mr Trump as POTUS again

  7. Hypocrisy displayed when Warren endorses Biden after filleting Bloomberg on the debate stage for having NDAs for some women. Ha ha ha. This circus is so entertaining and looks more like a slap stick comedy.

  8. It shocking that some member of his family hasn't pulled the plug on poor Joe's bid for the oval office. It is obvious that he is suffering from mental fatigue brought on by age. Some people go well into their 80's even 90's and do fine Joe Biden is not one of them. It is painful to watch can't see him debating President Trump.

  9. I saw last night on the news that the Dems have approved Bernie Sanders back into the bid for president must be because they realize what we already knew is he can't defeat Trump much less enter into any debate with him because of his brain leaks. But I don't also believe this country is ready to accept a Socialist and known immense supporter of Russia, and the fact that he in earlier years ran a commune. The Dems have no one to draw for a candidate unless they find someone new, not the previous ones we have seen.

  10. I cannot wait for Joe to debate Trump it will be better than 80's era saturday night live.

  11. There is still almost 6 months until the election by then creepy joe`s dementia may progress to the point that he doesn`t even know his name. I hope the democrats have a standby waiting in the wings to take creepy joe`s place before the election.


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