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Monday, May 11, 2020

Trump fires back at Obama, criticizes handling of swine flu pandemic

President Trump on Sunday ripped the Obama administration’s handling of the swine flu pandemic — after it was revealed that the former commander in chief called his successor’s approach to the coronavirus criss an “absolute chaotic disaster.”

“We are getting great marks for the handling of the CoronaVirus pandemic, especially the very early BAN of people from China, the infectious source, entering the USA,” the president said on Twitter Sunday morning. “Compare that to the Obama/Sleepy Joe disaster known as H1N1 Swine Flu. Poor marks, bad polls – didn’t have a clue!”

In a video chat with supporters Friday, Obama criticized Trump’s handling of the coronavirus.

“It has been an absolute chaotic disaster,” Obama said, “when that mindset of ‘what’s in it for me’ and ‘to heck with everybody else’ ⁠— when that mindset is operationalized in our government.”

During the 2009 swine flu pandemic, 12,469 people died in the US, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated.

According to Johns Hopkins University, 78,799 Americans have died of the coronavirus so far.

In a series of tweets, the president also thanked Vice President Mike Pence for tweeting the number of medical supplies the Federal Emergency Management Agency distributed to Iowa.



  1. Why doesn't Obama crawl back under the rock he has been hiding under. Didn't want to hear anything he had to say during his 8 year reign, definitely don't want to hear anything from him now!

  2. Same old boring playbook.

    "Look how great I am, some would say, may be all would say, I think everyone thinks I'm clearly great, even those who won't admit it think it, and Obama is the worst."

    How is it that so many people can't see through the con? Distract, distort, deflect, and under no circumstances whatsoever admit to any missteps of any kind. Scapegoat anyone when you can.

    How do you not see it?!


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