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Monday, May 11, 2020

Adam Schiff lied about the Trump probe — and the media let him

Last week, Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell forced Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff’s hand. If the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee didn’t release the transcripts of 53 interviews from the committee’s Russia collusion investigations, then he’d do it himself. The transcripts, many of them from nearly three years ago, were declassified and ready for public viewingsince June.

As the grand impresario of collusion, Schiff has filled print and broadcast media since January 2017 claiming that he has seen “more than circumstantial evidence” of a Trump-Putin conspiracy. Obviously there was none in the transcripts, or he’d have pulled back the curtain years ago. But Schiff didn’t want to hand control of the narrative to one of Trump’s most effective deputies, so on Thursday they finally went live.

They show exactly what you’d expect them to show: None of the former Obama administration officials who took to the airwaves immediately after Trump’s election to claim collusion had any evidence of it.

Here’s Obama’s director of national intelligence, and CNN analyst, James Clapper: “I never saw any direct empirical evidence that the Trump campaign or someone in it was plotting/conspiring with the Russians to meddle with the election.”



  1. Lied to Congress and he is not indicted for lying. WHY?

    1. Because the GOP has no spine! And until they start standing their ground, it will never change....jus saying

  2. It would not be surprising to find that something very dirty and very nasty was going on in the Schiff household when he was a child. Many who grow up like Schiff-lying pathologically and the other mental issues he exhibits come from a traumatic childhood including sexual abuse by one or both parents.

    1. So 720, your point is??
      This is now, the present time. He is an adult in congress, he should have matured by now

  3. Schiff is a scumbag!

  4. The media did more than let him, it encouraged and aided him, and it still does. Aiding and abetting are subsidiary crimes worthy of note. He lied, they knew it was a lie, they promulgated and perpetuated the lie. With that knowledge of the information being false, they persisted in feeding that poison a thousand times a day to the unwitting public. The media are complicit, they are enablers.

  5. Old bug-eyes needs to be in jail along with several others of his character.


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