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Monday, May 11, 2020


Mainstream media working overtime to generate racial tension

Newly released surveillance videos show Ahmaud Arbery trespassed into a home — which the homeowner says was robbed of $2,500 worth of fishing gear earlier this year — before running away down the street after a neighbor called 911.

Arbery can be seen walking down the street — not jogging — then stopping on homeowner Larry English’s lawn and looking around. After seeing no one was in the area, he then trespassed into the house at around 2:09 p.m. on the timestamp, which is actually most likely around 1:08 p.m as police said the first neighbor to call 911 did so at 1:08 p.m. Arbery is seen exiting the building around 5 minutes later and took off running or “jogging” after 911 had been called on him (possibly by the onlooking man who is seen standing next to a tree across the street that appears to be holding a phone up to his left ear and likely would have been in Arbery’s view).

The first 911 caller can be heard telling police about the trespassing incident and saying the suspect was “caught on camera a bunch before at night” and it’s “kind of an ongoing thing out here.”

He told the dispatcher in real time that he was witnessing the suspect leaving the house and “running down the street” (which suggests he was the onlooker seen on the video).

The second 911 caller, who reportedly made his call at 1:14 p.m., can be heard yelling at a man to “stop,” which was presumably Arbery.



  1. Those work boots Homie was "jogging" in must have been a special kind of "Air Jordan's."

  2. he was trespassing and most likely the thief, but he didn't deserve to get gunned down in the street.

    1. He absolutely did. Follow orders ... !

    2. Follow orders...heard Hogan has a stay at home order. Lots of talk In the comment sections around here not to follow orders.

  3. Interesting how the media is using a 25 year old's high school photo instead of a current mugshot.

  4. Everyone is upset about this punk being "gunned down". Well people he had every opportunity to stand down and be arrested. Instead he chose to try to attack the man with the gun. Stupid decision, but based on his rap sheet, he made a lot of stupid decisions. What did he think the outcome would be. This is the same thing as pulling a gun on a Police Officer, someone is going to get shot. Consequences for your actions people. It is a shame that a human being lost his life, but you can't blame the guy holding the gun. Suppose he didn't shoot and the gun was wrestled away from him, maybe he would be in the morgue.

  5. 640 they used a kids picture for Trevon too. It DIDN'T work.

    Lets move on...nothing to see here AGAIN.

  6. Wow. Talk about a misleading article. The home was "wide open" and under construction. Walls were studs and no doors.

    I've walked through many a home under a construction just because I was curious what it was looking like as it was being completed. Just sayin....

    1. He was looking for power tools, copper, anything he could go back that night to steal and pawn.

  7. Play stupid ghetto games, win stupid prizes.

  8. It's a local problem, not an earth shattering national disgrace. The MSM is spinning this like a top to make it fit the fake narrative of unrepentant universal white racism. It's an isolated incident, nothing more. Treat it as such, not as a failed litmus test for the entire nation.

  9. His Juvenile record is sealed because he was very bad in his teens. He stole, smoked pot, crack, and even robbed a guy according to one ex-friend of his. But let's make a poster boy out of this typical thief.

    The reason he didn't steal anything at the time of the day was called "Surveillance" and he would drive back at night to steal the stuff.

  10. "Anonymous said...
    Wow. Talk about a misleading article. The home was "wide open" and under construction. Walls were studs and no doors.

    I've walked through many a home under a construction just because I was curious what it was looking like as it was being completed. Just sayin....

    May 12, 2020 at 9:07 AM"

    I said the same thing yesterday. I too have gone into many homes under construction. It is wrong and I know it no "ust sayin...." about it. It is WRONG to ever step foot on someone else's private property without invite. Once was confronted by the builder who happened to come by The difference is I didn't run I stayed put and apologized for what amounted to me being nosy.


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