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Friday, May 29, 2020

Trump claims victory as Texas Supreme Court rules lack of coronavirus immunity doesn't qualify as disability requiring mail-in ballot

The Texas Supreme Court has ruled that lack of immunity to the coronavirus does not qualify as a physical disability granting people the right to vote by mail.

Chief Justice Nathan Hecht was joined by six other justices on the nine-seat court, who ruled that contracting a disease is not a physical condition and that if the criteria were expanded, then the disability category would be rendered useless, according to the Houston Chronicle.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton had argued against the notion that contracting the coronavirus is a disability that should warrant a mail-in ballot, while the Texas Democratic Party had been advocating expanded mail-in voting due to the pandemic and had won cases in lower courts.


1 comment:

  1. I received an absentee ballot for Wico County and I never requested on. So did my wife. I imagine a lot of other people did as well. This is not the sample ballot that gets sent out before elections.

    Whats really going on? This isnt some big name spot. This is right here.


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