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Friday, May 29, 2020

Republicans propose blocking Chinese graduate students and researchers from STEM fields

Two Republican senators proposed a ban on issuing visas to Chinese graduate students and researchers in science and technology fields.

Sens. Tom Cotton and Marsha Blackburn argued that blocking Chinese students and researchers from receiving visas in STEM fields would protect “American ingenuity.”

“The Chinese Communist Party has long used American universities to conduct espionage on the United States. What's worse is that their efforts exploit gaps in current law. It's time for that to end,” Cotton said in a statement Wednesday.



  1. Good block them from any and everything.

  2. The REPUBLICANS won't do a thing. They have been given another opportunity to take the Democrat party out completely. Our government could be ran by Republicans for decades. But as always. They just run their mouths. Tell us what they are going to do. It's been three years and NOTHING. The DEMOCRATS spend MILLIONS on BS investigations. How much money have the REPUBLICANS spent??? NOTHING

  3. Northwest Woodsman: I’ve been warning of Chinese at our universities and defense facilities and their espionage activities ever since my involvement as a Special Agent in the field of counterintelligence in the mid 1970s. I can’t imagine the damage they have done to our safety and security in all the years since then.


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