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Friday, May 29, 2020

Oh How I So Enjoy Shopping Any More!!!


  1. Thank you for wearing a mask. It is not unpatriotic to do so.
    We are all striving for PUBLIC health. You are showing respect for others . I will not be voting for Trump however

    1. I can’t help but wonder why anyone would not vote for our president. Not complaining, that’s why we have the tainted system we have. Vote for your pick. I’m thankful each day, that President Donald J.Trump flushed the failed fat one out forever. That thang is sooo mad and embarrassed she will be shy of competing for anything. Thank you POTUS.

  2. It just goes to show you that even a deadly pandemic can be politicized

  3. AGREED!

    Great Pic Joe!

  4. Do you get comments?

  5. I am proud of my country and President Trump. I am proud of people willing to fight for our freedoms. I am proud of people willing to risk their money and sweat to grow a company. Only problem I see in the above pix is that you need a PRETTIER model.

  6. While I disagree with your choice, I congratulation you on having no shame in your game!

  7. If I was going to wear a mask, you may rest assured Joe, that it would the Trump 2020 one. However, I still refuse to wear one. When directed to put one on at any business, I refuse and leave. Was at Weller’s the other day to buy a $2,000 trailer, was directed to put a mask on. Obviously, I left and went to another trailer business that did not insist on a mask and bought my trailer. I will not name the business, but they did not get anal over a mask and worked with me to get the sale done.They will have my business in the future, and. I have passed the word to friends and family.

  8. Excellent, this is like a brightly colored butterfly - it warns others to stay away.

  9. here's your sign...

  10. Trump supporters are the new vegans/crossfitters. No one asked.

  11. i love driving the democrats nuts on FB over masks I commented awhile back how walmart was the only place to buy dresses and they are cheap so I buy 2. One to wear one to make a matching mask and I throw what's left away. So of course they got on me for wasting. I played dumb and told them to not worry about me my finances are in excellent shape and I do actually make an extra to keep in my Bentley in case someone forgets to bring theirs. Someone said they hope I am at least taking the left over cloth to the recycle at the Good Will. I said I would like to but since I have to go states away now to get my hair and nails done it's really taken a toll on me and I dont have the time to worry about recycling so I just throw it in the trash can. The messages I got were a riot. I could tell I was really getting to them which I love doing. One of the milder was called me an entitled the rest rhymes with witch.

  12. 10:18 Nailed it!

  13. Love it! This must drive the liberals mad and I can see them puffing up when walking by them with your Trump 2020 Hat and Mask!

  14. Have not seen a Biden mask.

  15. Will someone please provide proof that these masks truly prevent the spread??? I want consideration of how the mask is applied, how often applied, if applied correctly, how much more often your face is touched either directly or in directly via touching the mask, actual filtration provided by said mask, etc. once again facts and citations, not liberal bullshit spread by the Main Street media.


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