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Tuesday, May 05, 2020

These Historians Challenge New York Times' Dubious 1619 Project

What makes America exceptional?

Undoubtedly, most Americans would say our long-term commitment to self-government and the rule of law, and our extraordinary embrace of liberty.

Not so, according to The New York Times’ 1619 Project—named for the year in which African slaves were first brought to the English colonies in North America. The various New York Times authors apparently believe America’s unique quality is slavery.

The 1619 Project defines itself as an effort to “reframe” America’s history to define the nation’s “true founding” as one rooted—at its heart—in slavery rather than liberty.



  1. My U.S. history university professor relative (retired) put it this way: when Liberals rewrite history, it's with tunnel vision and a disdain for and dismissal of any facts that might get in the way. In other words, this 1619 push is based on wholly contemporary racial apologist crap.

  2. America was founded by Freemasons who wanted a new Nation (Atlantis).
    They were wealthy and powerful.
    They worked secretly to establish 13 colonies with a flag made up of virgin white skin with blood red whips of leather adorning a night sky of 13 pentagrams in a circle.

    It was a witches' coven.

    Take a look at the architecture and geographic layout of Washington DC on the 77th parallel.
    The evil embedded in that City is beyond scary.
    Add the 555 feet tall (6,660 inches) phallic symbol, and it is assured to be identified with a satanic sex cult (Freemasonry). As above, so below.
    Add the military headquarters in a 3-ring Pentagram, wow.
    It is a warning.

    1. Ummm...It's a 5 ring pentagram and the rest of your story is just as off kilter, as well.

    2. It is accurate.
      Sorry you are offended

  3. And you dont think we need to take back the education system?.schools today are pushing this evil vile luciferian garbage. We are starting to see/reap what was sown from decades of luciferian/marxist indoctrination in our public schools. This is just another chapter. .but now a days people are aware of whats been going on.

    Start the PUSH BACK!!

    School vouchers are the simplest solution.

  4. The public education system is OWNED by state departments of education and teachers' unions, both driven by the Democratic party and occupied by members of and donors to the party.

  5. I love the way white Americans are blamed for slavery, ignoring the centuries of Africans enslaving Africans that continues today.


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